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I Forge Iron

Greg C.

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  • Location
    Palm Bay FL
  • Interests
    water skiing, blacksmithing, toying around with electronics, and Scouting
  1. Thanks, my friend and I have been aurguing over whether or not you can forge files. I finaly have some ground over him:). Thanks, Greg
  2. Is it forged or stock removed? Thanks, Greg
  3. Thats better than my first. It wasn't even a folder, I hid it from public view. It's a very good start. Keep at it!
  4. Thanks! Greg
  5. I am in awe. I have a RR spike ready for forging, and been looking around for designs. How did you get your handle shiny? Greg
  6. You what?!?!? All it needs is new wheels, don't scare me like that. Steve, no typo. I'm a 12yo noob, so I don't really know what I'm doing..... I am going to thin it out though, I'm not that much of beginner. CN
  7. Thank you for the reply, just finished the blank, its a bit thick, 'bout 1/2 an inch thick. Gonna have to grind at my friends house seeing I don't have a grinder. CN
  8. Greg C.

    knive drawing

    you can kinda see in the bottom of the drawing, the knife tang widens out a bit. Don't really trust epoxy that much. And brass will be brass.
  9. I have a pice of sheet steel, so I designed a knife to make out of it. The drawing is a little crummy; I'm no artist. Anyway, the handle is a coke bottle style, here's the link to make one. cokebottlehandle As you can kinda see in the bottom of the drawing, the knife tang widens out a bit. Don't really trust epoxy that much. And brass will be brass. On the same link, if you hit the back button, it will take you to more tutorials. I am putting a "Half penny" style Quillion guard. Hope you like it, CN
  10. Greg C.

    knife scan

    coke bottle style handle, sorry for the cutoff.
  11. Greg C.

    First Knife

    Wish my first knife was that good. All I did was stick a sharpened file on a stick....:/ Cn
  12. Greg C.

    First Knife

    Wish my first knife was that good. All I did was stick a sharpened file on a stick....:/ Cn
  13. Nice work, love the two contrasting woods in the handle, the pin blends in well with it. Nice but cap, like how you drilled the hole in it. CN
  14. I was thinking using a drill to make the cut, but then it would be limited to the size of the bit. Let me know, Chuck
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