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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Hofi

  1. This speciel AXE is desigend for people out in the wood that when having a rest from the heavy work of wood cutting can olso use the axe to open a good bottel of wine cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOFI
  2. many times we need to forge surrated leaves . In the next pics I''ll sow two ways that I use to forge them pic 27-28 the gulliotine made out of two parts of an old threading rigid tool pic 29-30-31the use and the result pic 32 one can use also a threaded bar pic 33-34-35-36 the leaves pic 37 if one do not like to show the lines tht are a result of the thread it is possible to grind one face Hofi
  3. Because of the importence of the steps of the proces I am going to repeat it step by step coled so people can vew it better Hofi
  4. In the attuched 14 pics I will show the process of forging a leaf my way on pics 13-14 one can see that because of the way I use the anvil and the crosspeen hammer on the two opposite sides of the leaf Iget the spine of the leaf . Tleaf is forged here step by step but in production it is forged in one heat Hofi
  5. Twhen I started 22 years ago to forge the wood carving tools the first thing I did was a guillotine with speciel dies to form the bolster and the shank. on pics 001-004 one can see the dies shape and how thy are instoled in the gulliotine body. pic 005 first step with 4# hand hammer and turn slowly pic 007-008 finel step pic009-010 with hand hammer or in this case with the air hammer forging the shank squer+round 011 vew into the gulliotine 012the operation vew 013-015 the same profile and operation with the air hammer hofi
  6. Pics 19-23 sowing the ''woop'' tongs holding different type of steel hape this is the advantege of this type of tongs. Pics 25-28 showes thw ''eye'' tongs with different type steel pic 29 tong for 20x10 mm flat steel hofi
  7. The pics will show different style tools I forged along the last 22 years The first pic is a set of tools I forged 22 years ago when I only started and payed my tution at the art school with the tools I forged. The other pics sows diferent aproch with no wood handle some are forged from c45 steel and some from miled steel with the cutting adge forge weld with a high carbon tool steel. som of them starts with upseting to get the mashroom head for hammering and protecting the hand Hofi
  8. Slitted with a 4mm slitter and drifted with a 20 mm drift then to the flypress with the v block under Hofi
  9. The ''woop'' tongs are holding squer steel 2''x2'' or round or flat evey sahape one can not hold with regular treditional tongs .one can fined them in my 1000 hofi bp's the ''eye'' tongs in this case are holding 1 5/8-1 3/4'' steel squer or round i will preper a bp for them too both the types i forge for different demention s too hofi
  10. The 20 pers of ''eye'' and ''woop'' tongs I forged for Germany last week from from c45 steel (improoved 1045)
  11. What is the hole demention (inner diameter) of the hole you want to get ??? Hofi
  12. The photo's shows the siquence of the use of the hydroulic press to forge the crosspeen on the 2.2# hammer
  13. Beth Cecil T SWAN is seling my hammers in the UK . He was twice in my shop in Israel and you may get lots of information from him about the hammer. Hope it will help you to decide the hofi hammer and the handle desigen are one unit one can not take them apart ! if one uses the hofi hammer with a different handle he can not get the maximum effitiency and ergonomy from the hammer. I had a 23 years old lady in one of my classes that started the class with a 2,2# hammer and on the 4th day she forged with a 3,5# hammer easy . On the day we forged the per of tongs every one forged one per she forged two. She could do it only because she was from the age of 3 to the age of 23 a balet dancer and she followed the instructions 100% and was DANCING WITH THE HAMMER. Hope I answered some of the questions on yhe forum Hofi
  14. Was ask to day to '' help '' but instantly i saw that it is a fake cause moomy is writing very much different .i ask the sender some questions to verify his identity and they never came back . Called Moony by phone and he told me the story We must be very carfull with the e-mails to day some hakkers are bracking in and stealing the identity it happend here in my comunity two weeks ago Hofi
  15. my student Shlomo Erel that is studying with me now 14 year was prepering himself for the forging contest in STIA ITALY . The subject of the cobtest is BALLANCE. He forged as a preperation two objects : 1 DOOR HANDEL which is ballanced from the shap point if view 2 PER OF TONGS which are demonstrating the ballanmce between the man and woman Hofi
  16. keith first you must hear if it is a mechanical or air ''wistle'' they are different if it is mecahnical you have oiling problames and this one you must solv instently it can cause sevear damege to the hammer !!!!!!!! as john said can be a very small crack in on of the rubber pipes this will not cause dammege to the hammer but when the crack will be bigger the hammer will not operate to check it you have to take the upper cover away and when the hammer is opperating go with your hand along the pipes and you''ll fill the leacage. ask for spear parts original parts(pipe) from the dealler. if all the above is OK then may be this is the natural noise of the hammer !! the you can pot an old car mofler on the exohst steel pipe end or an air compressor mufller. advising a problam like this far away from the problam is not eassy I hope I helped a bit Hofi
  17. Adrian BRAVO My granddaughter SAHAR 21 now is going to spend the next year forging with me in the forge I do know the joy you feel . Hofi
  18. Joh B ALLWAYS ASK and you do not have to apologiese I am here to answer according to my ability and knoledge.BUT not every thing can be explained and complitly understude on the site you must also try yourself ''with the same recepy one gets different kookies'' the ''wings '' are1 1/4'' the main is from 1'' and 3/4'' the parallel flar is 1'' the slot in the main is 20 mm and it cuts the pipe to 4 equel parts then with the wings that are built proportionaly the same one can adjust the air inlet from open to close and in between some more will be explained with the pics A Two forges ready for delivery .one with the front dor open the other close B-C The finished instoled buener with the locking screw on the wings the fit loose D-E-F-G One can see the soulder on the jet that limits the depth of the jet to the right possition NO lock screw because when i rotate the wings to adjust the jet and the rubber main pipe stayes in the same position hope it is more clear now I am now workin on a smaller burner based on 3/4'' pipe Hofi
  19. Dave ? Frosty is right ! this piece you can not buy any were I turend it on the lathe pic's 1- 3 explains it very clear ,the part is later welded to the ''wing chock'' element to hold and adjust the tip carrier possition that I also fabricat on the lath from brass. Che Geuvara I will NEVER buy a big blu as an air hammer to suport my forging !!!!!!!!! this machine if very much infirier to ALL the self containd hammers !!!! the anyang-shahinler-kuhn-and say-mack are very much better hammers then the big blu I know them and I operated all of them for a long time. With the price you pay for the 155 blu the hammer and the compressor you can buy two anyang 88 that are much stronger and will last a life time when the blu after 10 yeaes will be a piece of junk , the blu is a fading out hammer. I helped the blu owner Dean Curfman a lot with the hammer the quick change (QC) hammer dies are MY DESIGN and some other things on the hammer the air hammer school was my idea to help and suport the marketing of the hammer dean himself was twice in my smithy in ISRAEL to learn my forging system and I did all this because he was my student and I wanted to help him out. the other reason not to buy a blu is the very high air pressuer that those hammer operate with 140-150 psi is too a high pressuer and a not eficient one and dengerouse ask every engeneer tht deal with air tools he will tell you the same. Air tools are working on pressuer range between 80to max 100 and very rear. there are some othe reasons not to buy a blu but those I''ll keep for me and will never share them in public. Hofi
  20. Nice ''rings'' brian but there are the first and second necking (shoulders) that may be some do not understand -- why you did the necking in 180 degrees from one to the other-- I think that to finish the lesson you should give some more pic's and explain the process. from my humble opinion this is a very importent process in forging,we use it in many places againe thanks for the nice rings Hofi
  21. PIC 1 parts of the berner befor assembling +welding and the messurments of the parts PIC 2 welded +assembled pic 3 two positions of opening pic 4 the fler adjusted befor welding pic 5 Two finished berners pic 6 op[en position pic 7 sami-close position pic 8 close position the inside messuerments of the forge are width 8'' depth 9'' hight 41/2'' the orfice (tip) is for regular use 30thou for welding heat 35-40 thou the insulation all around is 31/2'' thick only the doors are 2'' Hofi
  22. Thank you all for your compliment !!!!!!!!!!!! The GAS FORGE in detaile and explaind is in the ''gas forge ''forum'' Thanks again Hofi
  23. pic 1 Burner compleat pic 2 The ''wing system'' + gas tip guide pic 3 The burner in parts pic 4-5 FULL fire- wings in full opening position pic 6-7 medume fire -wings in sami open posision pic 8-9 retarded fire wings in close position Hope this make things clear Hofi
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