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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by jwilson645

  1. I'm in Hayden also but I have always attended the Vulcan Forge meet at Tannehill. Why? I reckon because their forgemaster called me back and Cullman's didn't. Definitely take gloves & safety glasses, a hammer if you have one (ball pein or engineer's hammer will work), maybe your own chair to sit in during demo, water, snacks.
  2. ​I've seen many sets of it but I can't remember any of the manufacturers names at the moment. Around what time period was it purchased? Do you recall?
  3. My son has a baseball game in the middle of the afternoon so it threw a wrench in my plans. I could have worked around it if it'd have been at 5pm as usual but 2pm doesn't leave us enough time to drive up there, see things and drive back. I've already sent in my registration and money for shirts so just consider it a donation to a worthy cause.
  4. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make it afterall. I was really looking forward to it.
  5. Here's my small freebie. 50lbs of cast iron. On the lookout for something larger, of course.
  6. Yes I did. Thanks Bud. Mailing you my registration for the 50th today. Looking forward to it!
  7. Just amazing, Andrew! Do you build strictly from your imagination or do you use pictures as reference to achieve the life-like look?
  8. Question for you guys.......I joined via the AACB website last week because the link to the paper form wouldn't work. I haven't heard from anyone concerning my membership. Is that normal?
  9. I am still a member of AFC but just joined the AACB last week also. Looking forward to the 50th anniversary celebration in April.
  10. I'm a member of Alabama Forge Council & Vulcan Forge but I follow both Choo-Choo and AACB on Facebook.
  11. Details and registration can be found here: http://www.alaforge.org/files/2014_AFC_Conference_Flyer_for_website.pdf
  12. Thanks Aus. You are right on the metal. I had attempted openers before with some 5/16" square and just couldn't get it to stretch the hole right. It always cracked. I was told I wasn't getting it hot enough and that was what was causing it. Pulled this horseshoe out to give it a shot and made sure it was good and hot. It opened up nicely. I will give the brass brush a shot next time. I also want to do a high polish on one. I was not completely happy with the ring either. It's a small 50# anvil but has a good horn. I will bring out a smaller hammer next time and dress it a little better. The hole wasn't punched competely centered either which is something else to correct on the next one.
  13. After several attempts with different pieces of steel, I finally made a successful bottle opener. (testing was a success!!!!!) I did clean up the opening a touch with a file to remove a couple of sharp edges and went over it with a wire brush but it's "as forged" otherwise. This was a large horseshoe. Much larger than most I've seen so it has some heft to it but I like it. Also, if I use the other half of the horseshoe for another opener I then have right-handed and left-handed openers. :lol:
  14. Got a few hours to play around this weekend and came up with these. New version of a split cross. Tapered down the ends and even did a little texturing on it. Horseshoe heart.
  15. Right. Sorry I forgot to go back and change it.
  16. Headed to Gatlingburg from Birmingham this weekend. Just wondered if there were any must see's for us lovers of metal art between here and there?
  17. Didn't really "make" anything. :lol: Was going to try a bottle opener but the piece of rod I was using was junk. It started cracking when I tried to scroll the end of it a bit.
  18. Used a makeshift blower to fire it up yesterday but everything else is in working order. So far nothing special was purchased. Everything was stuff I had laying around. 3/16" plate for the table Old BBQ grill for the base Brake Drum from a Chevy truck 2" exhaust pipe 1/4" rod (grate inside so coal doesn't go down the pipe) 3/8' rod for the ash dump Old freeze plug to cap the bottom of pipe for ash dump Bushing sleeve on end of 3/8" rod for weight And of course my fire stoker.........
  19. Actually, Vulcan Forge is closer by approx 30 miles.
  20. I did not realize Lincoln was that far from Tuscaloosa until I just looked it up. Sorry. :(
  21. There is a forge group in Tuscaloosa. You can find all the members of the Alabama Forge Council here ---> http://www.alaforge.org/contact_us.html
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