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I Forge Iron

Rob Browne

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Everything posted by Rob Browne

  1. Welcome to IFI. Boy you sure have your future planned out, mine kinda ambles along :)
  2. Welcome to IFI from DownUnder Get home safely and hold your head high.
  3. Really great link there Matt :)
  4. Almost enough to scare us mere mortals off having a go Brilliant
  5. Making tongs is a great exercise. I think I spend more time making the tools than actually working on my projects. Good job :)
  6. Welcome to IFI My suggestions would be to make a good cuppa or two and start trawling through the Getting Started articles off the front page then the Blueprints. From that you will have plenty of ideas and things to practice.
  7. Welcome to IFI Plenty of "help/advice" on any subject in this forum.
  8. Welcome to IFI Dave. Looks like you are well and truely off and running so I look forward to your input to the site :)
  9. Welcome to IFI Sergio from DownUnder :)
  10. Welcome to IFI If you have a dig through the Getting Started articles then you will be off and running. As for tools, you can make most of them as you go. I think I spend more time making a tool for the job than the job most often!
  11. Impressive. Its hard enough to make a knife with a bit of room to spare but to make a beauty in miniature is a feat indeed. Congratulations.
  12. Cheaper includes the 20km trip to get a tonne from the mine for the cost of a few bags of charcoal here If you have a significant trip for a supply make it a good haul or its not cheaper.
  13. Your first fire in a forge you made yourself is a bit special, isn't it :)
  14. I have tried charcoal and found it very good if somewhat expensive. The coal I use burns VERY clean but you have to plan your fire a bit more and have it coking around the edges of the fire all the time, another thing to worry about when you are working. Also, you have to ensure you have a supply of coked coal to start the fire next time but that is as easy task. Personally, I like the coal as it lasts longer and I find it easier to use, and cheaper :)
  15. Welcome to IFI. Feel free to ask away and join in the discussions. Friendly lot here and that is how you learn.
  16. Welcome to IFI Paul. Have you trawled through the Getting Started Articles yet? LOTS of info in there for setting up. Cheers
  17. Nothing wrong with the hair dryer. Just looks odd compared to the great job on the rest with that just stuffed in. I used one for quite a while, at least till it blew up which forced me to get a "real" blower Now for the serious bit. I may be preaching to the converted but if you are moving the forge into a garage please make sure it has lots of ventillation. These things chew up lots of oxygen and put out some really nasty gases that can do bad things to you. Remember, safety first.
  18. Welcome to IFI the place to virtually meet other blacksmiths :)
  19. Its all been said in the previous posts but welcome to IFI and ask away :)
  20. Love the engineering for the actual forge with a hair dryer stuffed in the pipe The warning about flammables around your forge is a good one. Now to flesh it out and you are away!
  21. Welcome to IFI. As well as that beverage don't forget to pack some food, you will be here a while :)
  22. Welcome to IFI Richard. Plenty of ideas in the members galleries.
  23. Welcome to IFI. Where to get started? Well, go to the front page of this site and click on the Getting Started link. After going through all that then move onto the Lessons in Metalworking link then the Blueprints. However, a warning. Before starting lay in plenty of food and your favourite beverage as you will be here quite a while.
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