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I Forge Iron

Rob Browne

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Everything posted by Rob Browne

  1. Welcome to IFI. Keep us posted on your projects, they sound great :)
  2. Welcome to IFI Travis. Make sure you start with the Getting Started articles on the front page then move onto the Blueprints and ask LOTS of questions.
  3. Welcome to IFI Ian Nice part of the world you come from in the highlands. As for the 6mm square, why not forge it from some other stock?
  4. Try a bit of plate in the bottom with nine 1/2" holes half and inch apart in three rows to see how it goes. This pattern works well for me.
  5. It would be a great project BUT I don't think I would use it as my everyday forge.
  6. Welcome to IFI Darryl. You have actually done things very well by reading a lot first BEFORE jumping in. Now the "work" starts :)
  7. Welcome to IFI Daniel. Welding billets already, you're a game fella. Just keep having a go and it will eventually happen, but remember the KISS principle when starting off.
  8. We will take over yet!! Welcome to IFI WildSpirit, lots of great info here :)
  9. If that is your first try I look forward to watching your progression. I still have my first try around somewhere and its NOTHING like that!!
  10. As they are tool steel I would anneal them by getting them nice and read and then burying them in hot ashes and letting cool SLOWLY. You can then work them as normal BUT remember when they are used as tongs to keep them cool or to let them cool slowly not to dunk them into water as this will make them hard and brittle.
  11. You obviously have the basic skill needed so its all uphill from here. Good to have you on board at IFI :)
  12. You really have the disease Chuck. Welcome to IFI :)
  13. Welcome to IFI. Look forward to your input with your experience :)
  14. Welcome to IFI. One other advantage of mild steel for tongs is that they don't harden and go brittle if they get hot and you quench them.
  15. Welcome to IFI. There is a LOT of info here and I look forward to your input.
  16. Many of the Blueprints are offline so its only the first 200 and the Hofi series that are visible at present. As for a forge design. Make a fire pot one foot square and 4" deep out of eight inch plate. Put some holes in the centre for the air. Set this in a tray of your design and of a suitable size for your needs. For the air hook up some 2" exhaust pipe to a flange and connect it to the bottom of the fire pot. Put a T in it a couple of inches down and a side pipe that goes to your blower. The bottom extension needs a removable end so you can dump the ashes as they are made. That is a pretty useful and basic forge for coal or charcoal.
  17. If I found a deal like that I would be bragging too Well done, at least they will be used and not just put on display in someone's garden.
  18. Great attitude and start to the hobby. I get my boys to do everything in mild a couple of time before using some more suitable material. You are off and running :)
  19. Welcome to IFI Leo. Good to have you on board :)
  20. Welcome to IFI. There are some seriously skilled black/bladesmiths here who. I am sure, will be able to help you. Also, have a look at this thread. Worth a look as it can't be too far from you in Britian Cheers
  21. Maybe a bit harsh but there comes a time where these old things just become a bit of junk. Easier to build one from scratch if you needed one. However, if you are into restoration projects then this could be a beauty!!
  22. Welcome to IFI, lots of info here to help you mangle your stock a bit less each time. One good thing about mangling stock is that is shows that you are practicing, many people like to visualise more than practice Keep it up!!
  23. Welcome it IFI Jeff. Plenty of info on this site to keep you occupied for months/years/lifetimes :)
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