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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ironrosefarms

  1. and that would be a bad DEAL
  2. bravo, something super special about that first forge weld... wish I could find my first...
  3. Mask................................
  4. If your in school and get mean you get sent to the DEAN
  5. And it all wouldn't have happened if she hadn't tried to FEED herself at her desk!
  6. The boss FLEW off the handle when he seen it!
  7. Because she went to KFC for lunch then spilled her SLAW all over her desk!!!
  8. I'm not yet a year old here on IFI, but this is home. I am guessing I have missed some of the bigger bumps in the road but I am in full confidence in the resolve that Glenn has for this site and the community that has developed around it. I have personally spoken with Glenn by phone and can tell anyone who hasn't that this man has a passion for this sight and wouldn't do anything to intentionally harm it or the folks who frequent it. Dan well said, I'm looking forward to the future here on IFI... James
  9. with heated seats (Brrrr it's cold out here on the levy)
  10. Happy Birthday sir! (sir is what us young folk call old guys )
  11. Welcome to IFI Do a search for shops and another one for neighbors, both are big considerations when setting up a shop. James
  12. (you trying to set me up aint ya dan?) No more Prison blues!
  13. It would be just about enough to make one want to SPIT
  14. Just don't SLIP on the ice going for the scissors
  15. Called my In laws this morning to find out their furnace was down, fuel oil gelled up... keep in contact with the folks for sure! Father in law is 92 and was getting dressed to go outside himself... Called my brother in law who was on his way home from work and he got there before "dad" even got his shoes on...
  16. Just don't pull that SNAG on your blanket or you'll be anything but snug!
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