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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Dodge

  1. Welcome Wim, It sounds like we have a lot in common. I just started a few year back but still consider myself a novice at age 51. I have been metal working for many years but only discovered "real" smithing in the last couple. I made my own forge tho its a gasser and made a powerhammer. (Bad back makes this a luxurious necessity ) This (and that "other place" ) are great learning tools. Join the chat too when you can. If for no other reason, its a fun place to talk with other smiths about stuff that sometimes even involves blacksmithing LOL. -Scott
  2. Welcome form Omaha, Ne US
  3. Dodge

    Scot sword ban

    Parphrased News report: "A man was recently detained while boarding an airplane. Found in his possession was a compass, a slide rule, and a pair of dividers. It was later discovered that the man was from the elite group known as Al-ge-bra. He was detained for transporting weapons of math instruction." Yes, this is a joke, but its not too far off base from where this world is going :(
  4. Not sure about Europe or other parts of the US for that matter, but here in Omaha, Ne 3 phase is rather a pain to get access to unless you are in an industrial or comercial area. Even then it can be a chore I've heard. There are phase coverters available or can be built but not sure of their efficency($$??). Anyway, good luck on the install. Looks like it will be a fun tool to have:) Scott
  5. Welcome, Larry. What part of the country/world/galaxy are you from? Omaha, Ne USA here. This is a great forum to share and learn. Join the chat too when you can. Scott
  6. Very nice, Tar. Specially the third one. I like the leather handles
  7. Hello Jerry, Welcome from Omaha, NE.
  8. Sounds like a very good start. Welcome :)
  9. Hi Fred, From just plain eastern Nebraska ;)
  10. Gonna have to side with Tar on that one. Information is all we're seeking here. I'm not sure I'm going to be comfortable sharing my knowlege if I fear that someone is going to call me and idiot for being wrong. I think I can speak for others, in that if I am wrong, I want to be told, but I don't want my nose rubbed in it for making a mistake.
  11. Here's a quickie of my tire hammer. Sorry for the poor quality of photo. Gotta re shoot one of these days. Hammer is about 38#
  12. Richard, CO2 is correct in relation to propane. There is CO also pesent in propane exhaust but not nearly as much as in fossil fuel emissions. Thats why its ok to run propane burning forklifts inside buildings like meat lockers and such
  13. Jeff, Keep in mind that the heat wave from the "dragons breath" will extend a good distance from the mouth of the forge before rising. I'm assuming, unless corrected, that the CO2 fumes will follow that path. If you are going to run a rear opening too, you'll need a good sized (commercial kitchen?) hood.
  14. You found the right place, Paul Also, check out the chat. This forum and the chat is frequented by many, many talented smiths of all types, from blade smithing to farrier to just plain hobby enthusiasts like me. Can't say much for my talents tho LOL. This place, however is the place to learn.
  15. Many early anvils were just a block of iron or even stone. It doesn't need to look like an anvil to be one :)
  16. Thanks for the link scrapman. Yes Denny. Neighbors, as per private message ;)
  17. Welcome to the forum Scot, No experience with roller myself either but I'm sure there will be someone here that can help. It would be even better if you could post a pic. As for the gate hinges, I think I understand what you mean. Like a garden type or corral gate?? Not a hinge man either but this is the best place I know to ask questions. May take a day or three but you'll usually get an answer or three :)
  18. As usual, another work of art. Its a beauty Jim!!
  19. Welcome to our happy little band, Mike;) I assume the NC stands for North Carolina?? If so, what part. I lived in Moorehead City for a spell myself. Omaha, Ne currently
  20. From my experience, I have found that if you don't change the color while grinding, you don't change the hardness. Thats provided you don't grind past the heat treat. Most chisels are heat treated on the "business" end and left relatively soft on the hammer end. Hence the mushrooming of the hammer end. This is essential for a safe tool. If the entire tool was hardened the hammering end could shatter when hit. Where it is treated too depends on the manufacturer but I would susspect it extends at least through most of the taper.
  21. I haven't done that much oil quenching, but I concer with cheftjcook on the veggie oil source. Fast food restaraunts will probably give it away. At least thats what the articles have been saying as a source for bio-diesel base.
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