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I Forge Iron

Old South Creations

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Everything posted by Old South Creations

  1. My condolences to the Sarver family. I never met Grant but like others have learned so much through reading his many posts. He will be missed.
  2. I'm going to build a small fire brick propane forge and I'm debating whether to put the burner on top or on the side. I was going to put it on top (because that's how most of the forges I have seen are built) but I heard some arguments that might not be the best idea...any suggestions? I'm either going to use a venturi or a z burner from Zoeller.
  3. I'll probably end up building my own. I'm researching some different burners and designs.
  4. 6-8 hours...that's all? I've never used a gasser but that doesn't sound very good to me. Thanks for your input
  5. apparently they sell a lot of them but I've nver heard a testimonial of someone who has actually used one. My main forge is and will continue to be coal. I was looking for something inexpensive to use for demos and for small iterms.
  6. anybody have any experience with these propane forges on eBay? they have them with 1 burner or 2 for around $200 http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-1-Burner-LP-Propane-Gas-Forge-Knifemaking-Welding-Blacksmith-/160705505297?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item256acb6811
  7. Welcome to IFI Jesse. I've been an admirer of yours for years. Watching you bang out handmade fenders and tanks on your West Coast Choppers show was one of my first exposures to handcrafted metal work and one of the reasons why I got interested in it.
  8. Thanks for all of the great ideas! As soon as I get over my bronchitis I look forward to trying some myself!
  9. That's a heck of a buy for $150. Pretty beat up but still plenty of usable iron. Looks like a pretty good horn. If I was looking for an anvil I would buy it!
  10. It was boiled linseed oil. I didn't realize it would take so long to cure and the wax may have been a little thick as well. Thanks for the the advice!
  11. I am trying a 1/3 linseed oil, 1/3 mineral spirits, & 1/3 beeswax finish on my pieces and find that they are very "sticky" afterwards. I am applying the mixture with the metal hot (black heat) and buffing when it cools. Seems awfully "sticky" when I'm done. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. nice job...RR spike makes a great praying mantis
  13. nice job. I made the mistake of showing my wife...guess I'll be trying it now :)
  14. If you have access to pine cones, they make a good starter also. I use 2 newspaper "balls" & 2 pine cones. I loosely pile coal around them and once the newspaper & pine cones are burning I start adding small pieces of coal to the fire until it's burning like it should be. Worlks every time...well, most every time :)
  15. If Hay Budden & Trenton are your two choices, it definately has the characteristics of a Trenton made anvil. I wish that I could give you more info but I don't have the AIA book yet (it's being shipped!) Best way to determine weight is to put it on the bathroom scales. None of those numbers look like they would indicate a weight. Nice anvil!
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