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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by rthibeau

  1. rthibeau


    Arbor Side Panel side panel of an arbor, 7' tall out of 7/8" sucker rod.
  2. rthibeau


    Double diagonal peen hammer 2# 5 oz double diagonal peen hammer made of 4150. Keys and can show how small the hammer head is at only 2#
  3. New hammers Two new hand sledges
  4. Quadra Pein Hammer The monthly challenge
  5. Quadra Pein Hammer The monthly challenge
  6. rthibeau


    Hammer Heads On the left is a 2.5 # blunt cross peen of 4140, on the right is a cross peen of axle shaft, 3.5#.
  7. rthibeau


    Hammer Heads Left one is 4140 cross peen 2.5#, right one is from an axle shaft 3.5#
  8. Earthquake Hammer hammer made of O1, at the finishing stage, it got hot and I put it in the slack tub to cool off. It had retained too much heat and cracked like an egg.
  9. Earthquake Hammer hammer made of O1, at the finishing stage, it got hot and I put it in the slack tub to cool off. It had retained too much heat and cracked like an egg. Cracks are all over like after an earthquake.
  10. Double diagonal peen hammer A view of the letter stamping and finish work. 2# 5 oz made of 4150.
  11. double diagonal Peen Hammer made of 4150, double diagonal peen
  12. rthibeau

    chopper's hammer

    Double Diagonal Peen Hammer made of 4150, handle hole not yet drifted
  13. rthibeau

    chopper's hammer

    Double Diahgonal Peen made of 4150, still need to punch/drift the hole for the handle
  14. http://www.iforgeiron.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/1522 one way of dressing a hammer face...the edges gradually drop away and don't leave edge marks.
  15. Timber-frame Garden Shed from the Project Center, Black and Decker Mick, you can start off with this link and surf around from there
  16. rthibeau


    From the album: rthibeau

  17. rthibeau

    Shop Crane

    From the album: rthibeau

  18. From the album: rthibeau

    had a plowshare laying around, made it into something else
  19. A favorite hammer huh....don't really think I have just one, maybe one for each different project, or situation, or mood, or......aw heck, someone else can make the pick.
  20. I use the fork lift tine anvil stand all the time. The anvil has the same rebound as before, it's just moveable now that it is on wheels. The whole rig weighs more than 500 lbs.
  21. Outside storage isn't going to hurt the coal at all. As for leaves, etc, getting in it, you'll probably be taking it inside in bucket quantity so it is easy enough to pick out the worst of it, or just let it burn up. Locally, we have a 10 ton pile that sits outside and people take it by the bucketful, so far no problems.
  22. rthibeau


    From the album: rthibeau

  23. are you talking about stovepipe here to vent a coal forge?
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