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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by larrynjr

  1. The bender shown in that bp seems to be exactly what you are looking for. Perhaps you could contract with Wayne Lewis aka Coalforge, who created that bp to custom make one for you.
  2. Chris, it can be mis-shipped to you as long as the shipping company makes good on their mistake by bringing me another one! All it took was my tax refund for this year and a couple of extra month's to save up the rest.
  3. Slightly less excited now, Jim called me back to give me the shipping quote and said the shippers had told him 5 days for delivery, which is the longest time he can remember for anything shipped west of the Rockies. Oh well, I've waited this long, a few more days won't kill me.
  4. Not that I'm excited or anything but I just got off the phone with Nimba Anvils and have ordered my Gladiator. He thinks it likely that it should be here by Friday! WooHoo!!!
  5. Do you mean Tomahawk? Or an actual bird? I've seen a RR spike tomahawk but not a bird. That would be cool to see.
  6. You could try punching a circle that is the outer diameter of the ring you want and once the hole is punched use a bicken to enlarge the hole to the desired finger size. No welding involved. I have never done a successful forge weld, so I can't advise on how to do it with a small ring. Using a bicken though would be key I think.
  7. Sreep, I echo KeyKeepers remarks; you should take pictures and post them with weight and price info in the tailgating section. If you are serious about selling them, that is the best way to move them quickly, that and Craigslist!
  8. Most that I talk to when I mention that I Blacksmith immediately they think farrier as well. I know when I was young, swords and knives where very cool to me and back then is when I first got the hankering to trying blacksmith so that I could make swords and knives. I didn't get the opportunity to actually get into smithing till just a few years ago. Now swords and knives are still cool but they are not what I'm interested in making right now. Once my skills are up to the task, I may try my hand at bladesmithing though.
  9. It's been mentioned that he may be doing a class in the Portland area this summer / fall but details are still forthcoming.
  10. For those of you who recently received you new Hofi Hammer(s) how are you liking them compared to whatever you've been using? I received mine on Friday but wasn't not able to use it until last night. I got a good 2 hours in last night and was very happy with the experience. Compared to my self modified, soft faced, chinese drop forged hand hammer, the Hofi is just remarkable. I did not at anytime get tired as I swung the hammer and all my blows seemed more solid and to move the metal more quickly. I love mine and highly recommend one to anyone who doesn't have one!
  11. buying steel from a hardware store is usually much more expensive then from a steel wholesaler. 5/8" square was $.85 a lb. or $22.95 for 20 ft. The cheapest I've bought recently was the 1" x 3/8" flat stock at $.75 a lb. or $19.50 for 20' The rising price of fuel is being reflected in the price of everything else you buy.
  12. No she is not a smith but has many other qualities that I've come to appreciate.
  13. Actually because of my after market pipes changing the oil is a pain cause I have to dismount my forward pipe to get at the oil filter.
  14. At this point in my smithing journey I would consider myself an apprentice craftsman who may occassional turn out a piece with some artistic flair but my focus is gaining mastery of the craft. Once enough skill is gained then any artistry should flow out naturally as a component of that skill.
  15. Her email addy is listed on her website. I don't really care if I have it myself. I am happily married. I just thought that another member on the site would be welcome.
  16. Perhaps we should email her an invite to join the site?
  17. As soon as I actually order it and get it here, I will post the pictures. I'm planning on ordering right after payday. They are located here in Wa. so it should only take a few days to arrive.
  18. Last year before we tightened up the doorways to the shop / garage we were getting Starlings making nests and babies in there. They were unhappy when we made it so they couldn't get back to their babies. Starlings are messy birds!
  19. I have contacted the local historic trolley group who has been doing some rail work and have been told that after July if there are any left over / bent pieces of track, that I might be able to get them at that point. I've got my Outlook set to remind me to contact them in July.
  20. My current ride is a Yamaha V-Star, looks like a softtail but doesn't cost like one. I'd love to own a Harley myself but at this point in my life the money is going to other things. Like a new anvil!
  21. Were those the stock pipes? Seems like if they are original stock pipes that they should be grandfathered. Any new bikes sold would have to meet the requirement but you shouldn't have to buy new pipes for an existing registered bike! My bike is not a Harley but I do have aftermarket Hard Krome pipes that make it louder than stock. I can see it that case but HD stock pipes are louder than most anyhow. Didn't you tell them that loud pipes save lives!
  22. Welcome Tom, I haven't worked on knives much but it seems like with any hot steel, it will twist and warp as you pound on it but you should be able to flattening it back out after each drawing / shaping session before you put it back in the fire. Enjoy the site it's is a wealth of information and great company!
  23. You might try rubbing the lettering area's with chalk to see if you can bring out more of the manufacturer's mark on it. I don't have the Anvils in America book yet but based on what I've seen from other posts it resembles a mousehole anvil. What is the weight on it? It looks like a well used but very servicable anvil to me.
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