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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Posts posted by Steve Sells

  1. Glenn conned me into writing my first book,  

    It started as me just cleaning up the chat room knife talks, getting rid of the normal banter of a chat room, then it was organizing the stuff into coherent grouping,  then filling out the missing information,  after about one year of that then filling in what Rich and I never got around to writing, next thing ya know I have a book, which I never would have done if Glenn had just came out and said I needed to write a book in the first place...

  2. Since you are not used to heat treating, I honestly suggest hire it out, its not usually very costly, and you should get the best from your steel that way.  To maybe save a little money  allow them to HT with another batch rather than having to do your asap will save a little on cost

    and for the record I never threatened to ban anyone nor, do I have a problem with sarcasm

  3. There is nothing about flame hardening, just quench hardening mainly because I dont know anything about flame hardening. so I asked, My pinned post does explain how hardening happens, so changing the method of how we trap carbon in the iron matrix does not make more carbon appear, either its there in the first place or it isnt, so unless other things are added as in a surface treatment of more carbon or nitriding, then as quenched is as hard as it is going to get which iirc was also covered in the pinned post

  4. The heat treat info is posted here free already, pinned partly in knife section, the rest in general heat treating, and book links are in the stores book section, and there is always using the inter library loan if you dont want to buy it.

    I asked how flame hardening will make it harder than quench hardening, sorry if that hurt your feelings

  5. First you cant smelt bronze.  You can smelt tin and you can smelt copper, then blend them to make bronze. Second make a well to hold a supply of the bronze to prevent the final item from shrinkage, third after MELTING the bronze preheat the mold to near casting temperatures, and fourth you should de gas the liquid before pouring

    Have you taken a casting class yet?

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