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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Posts posted by Steve Sells

  1. We are building a memorial for the memory of Glenn Conner.

    Members are asked to make and send (PM me for address) for final assembly Flowers, Leaves, and even Branches; to be made into a memorial bouquet for Glenn's wife Karen from all of us.  I ask you leave stems on the longer side to make it easier for me to do the lay out.

    I will add to the list here in this post when I receive a package from a member, listing all who helped.  Those of you who cant make a flower can make a leaf which will help fill out the design,  I wont be able to tell you what it will look like, until after I get the supplies to build it. but I will post photos here.

    After I get enough to design and make something I will post here warning those that wish to help,  a time line on getting finished, so no one is left out.  If anyone wants to help assemble it, I live in Fort Wayne Indiana and welcome anyone crazy enough to come here and chip in.


    I just got our first donations in from

    Scott NC, Irondragon Forge ClayWorks, JHCC, GhostTownForge, Daswulf, Will Brouwers, Shainarue, Lary, GhostTownForge, Seldom (Dick Renker), LarryFahnoe

  2. I remember in the summer of 1978 I was 15, and we were getting wasted on a hill watching tanks play capture the flag in Weisbaden Germany.  After a while, we decided to play too, we got both flags and raised then at the base PX, that is when the MPs arrived.  Lucky for us, the girl I was with was the base commanders daughter so they just returned the flags and took us home where I got an ear full.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mike BR said:

    Like Steve says, double check the wiring.  If only two of three leads from the motor are connected properly, it might run like you describe.

    If only 2 conducting wires are correctly connected it will allow it to run at about 60% power

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