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I Forge Iron

Robert Yates

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Everything posted by Robert Yates

  1. Wow that is one Sweet double forge table .
  2. Tiny Tongs for Forging Tiny Blades . ;)
  3. The Only thing I see wrong with it is it Should Have Three (3) Burners in it . you may find that it is very hard to reach forging temp evenly. as for lining the forge there are many blue prints and How to do on the site here it will save you money in the long run . Trying-it (Stan) makes some really supper nice forges and has a ton of information he would help you out i am sure . Excellent Welding and Fab Job on the forge by the way . Sam
  4. Good to Hear you got it worked out . you may have crossed the hi/lo wires for the switch when you were cleaning things up if it does have issues replace that switch as it is a known issue . Sam
  5. Thank you Jeremy, For answering rich I still have the flu and it is whipping my butt and I am worn out right now . Sam sorry for the long time it took to respond Rich .
  6. Good to Here you did get it done Now Post some Photos . Sam
  7. I like the Build on the forge and agree with Glenn, as heavy as this unit is wheels would make thing easier to move around the shop. IMHO Sam
  8. Thank you Aessinus i hope to get over the flu soon and be able to clean it up from the trip . Sam
  9. To your Question , RICH "the American Welding Society (AWS) classification A5.1. These include the 6010, 6011, 6012, 6013, 7014, 7024, and 7018 electrodes" Are these really mild steel? The first numbers indicating high tensile strength seems to say they are more? " YES they are Mild Steel Yet they do Have High Tensile strength properties . they can be worked as a mild Steel until you either Weld with them or add them to a forged product when the rod/rods harden the base steel binds /is welded by the forge heat and the Chemical reaction of the Welding process that melts the rod adds to the metal being worked . When this happens the Melted rod cools off and the properties of the steel change at the weld, the rods become the 2 part of the Numbers on the rod " The High Tensile part of the rod . So in a short answer Yes they are a Mild Steel , However they have a varying tensile rating as to how much the rod after being welded or forged become a Harden piece of Steel. there is quite a bit of difference By What rod is used . Sam
  10. Here is Me at the Sellers after I paid Her . http://imgur.com/GOlFcWh,wSV4A3r,nLmLjoC Sam
  11. Good Eveniin Folks , me and the Wife have made it back from Virgina and "GOD'S COUNTRY" Yes it was due to the fact No one would know you were ever there Except God and the folks you went to see the Mustang is Pristine and one fine ride I will have photos up soon of it and my big Ol grin . it was a awesome trip and myself and wife had a good time (Adult time ) LOL Sam Photos as soon as I wake up from the trip .
  12. Ramdas this was done for IForgeIron site. And Now belongs to it as an Just teaching others what I know . Sam
  13. Oh yes I do remember riding in the car with my Sister I fell in Love with the car and it has never stopped for me . Sam
  14. Well after many years of terminal disappointments, loss of hope, failure to obtain, and down right giving up. I will "Finally" Get my life Long Dream Car !!! a 1966 Ford all original Mustang I leave out Friday night and will pick it up Sat in Virgina. I have wanted one as a Lil child of age 5 when I had to help work on my sisters car sanding the wheels with a worn out Brillo pad. Photos will be posted very soon . Here is the link to the car I will be getting. http://www.mustangcl...stang-6391.html Sam
  15. There are two Known issues with these units the High/low switch and the Motherboard both cause the weld load to "Dump" while welding . Sam
  16. Firs of I agree with Rich, second you are wrong in so many ways as to working with aluminum ! it WILL Hurt you fast and bad fumes, heat,and the molten metal,as well as having a very poor casting that you intend on turning on a lathe it has the potential to fly apart or explode in your face or chest . Welding them together is an epic failure at that size if you have no idea what you are doing and you will create a difference of materials when doing so thus another lathe issue. Sorry Brother you Need to back up and punt again with the Teachers Approval and an out line of your Experiment of just what you intend to do . Sam IMHO
  17. Welcome Brother , From The Hills Of Tennessee. Sam
  18. Glad to see you got it fixed . TIG is NOT a beginner form of welding though. Sam
  19. Awesome Job James , good set of Door breaches you have made . we often had to make our own in field or have the Maintenance shop buddy make them for us light weight is very key to the use and ability to keep them yet they had to be tough too . Sam
  20. I have one , Don't use it much I have a good torch set and tips . Sam
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