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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Loneforge

  1. 1095,15N20 twist patern with Nickel Silver guard. Brass and black Micarta spacers. Handle material I was told is Ironwood?
  2. Hello Jim and welcome to IFI. Great little sight here with lots of info and a great bunch of guys! Did you harden that item after you forged it out? This may be why it won't spark for you. You mention a temper but no hardening! Just curious.
  3. That pommel appears to be peened on to me??? Either way that is a gorgeous piece of work! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Hey there nice work. When I do my rough forging I forge my point first then decide which side is going to be blade. Then I put a downward counterbend. I use two sections of pipe, lay the knife blade up and strike it lightly to make the counter bend. As i'm forging the bevels it tends to return to straight, as it is doing this that's when I start to work the distal taper from the spine. I find that I can control the straightness somewhat. Hope you understand what I meant by that......LOL. I am self taught, so some of the guys with more skills may have more insight! This works for me...may not for you! Cheers and happy smithing. Don't forget to make many more! :)
  5. Looks good Quint keep em coming! Have you tried to re-size your pics? I make mine about 1000X750 and they fit the page a little better. Makes it easier for us to see the whole pic at once instead of scrolling to see details. I look forward to seeing your next ones!
  6. I visited your website and it would seem that all your work is absolutely stunning. I do believe you need to share more of these pics!
  7. Well done indeed! That flows very nicely!
  8. I miss the rains down in Africa........Oh that's bad! 2Tim215 you are one of us and we love your work. I also have the feeling this new program by Steve Sells and Rich Hale will be a big success. All of our support is needed so spread the word! Cheers once again for all the help and leadership. IFI Rocks and so do all of it's members! You know who you are! :) Darren Robichaud, Loneforge Blades
  9. Nice work! Thanks for sharing!
  10. This will be awesome. I look forward to receiving more knowledge from two obviously well versed smith's! My work has improved ten fold since I Joined this site. I owe most of my successes to this site. It's overwhelming how kind and willing all of you are to share knowledge and information! KUDO'S to all of you who have contributed to my learning. Thanks so much to Steve Sells and Rich Hale for getting this chat up and running. I highly encourage all new smiths young and old to participate and help make a great thing ever better! Darren Robichaud, Loneforge Blades
  11. That looks good....so does the Peter Wright beside it! Gobble it up man!
  12. You're rough little users are quite spectacular! Another beautiful piece of work. Thanks for sharing!
  13. I have some low temp solder.....HMMMM......that's a grand Idea. Thanks!
  14. I don't use a vise for blade finishing.....I clamp the blade to a board and clamp the board to the bench. Then I do all my draw filing like that. Clamps are cheap and easy to find. Just a thought. Always anneal after forging and the finishing will be much easier. Cheers and enjoy!
  15. I used an empty epoxy tube.....clean it out when empty .....one use for injecting. Or you can buy a dosing syringe for adminstering medicine to kids at any pharmacy.
  16. Here is some mosaic pinstock I made the other night. Lanyard stock and welding rods with a pinch of black leather dye added to the epoxy.
  17. Wow! That went together quite beautifully now didn't it. Great job!
  18. Nice Job for a first Knife! Can't wait to see more! Welcome to IFI. This is an awesome site! Plenty of resources available!Thanks for sharing.
  19. I have no grinder I use files and paper. ;)
  20. I have been dabbling with the idea of a pin Theo. I have no mosaic pin stock. Although I do have welding rods and 1/4 lanyard stock.........hmmmmm???
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