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I Forge Iron

Isuzu Trooper Rarest of the rare


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had a question and knew if anybody knew, you probably would. I have picked up a very rare 1988 turbo diesel Isuzu Trooper. Why are they rare? well first, you know about the failure of the diesels in the 80's because of smell and noise factor but most importantly, these came out of production because they had very weak rods. They would only last up to 100,000 miles, and a lot of times they wouldnt last 10,000 miles because the motor has a turbo and no rev limiter, blowing these little dudes apart because people revved them like gas engines.

All of these were still under warranty when about 5,000 of these 50,000 sold started breaking rods. So, they did an upgrade, called it rod 3234. Generation 1 rods were casting 3066 if this matters to you at all...

Well, some of these 2nd gen rods were breaking too, so they redesigned and beefed the heck out of them, strangely enough they also called them casting 3234.

I have access to one remaining rod, possibly the only brand new one left on the planet.

What is your price to manufacture 4 of them? They are forged steel.

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Why would Suzuki have Isuzu parts? Did they make the motors or buy the design from Isuzu?

Connecting rods are pretty complicated to forge and machine, I have worked on some raw forgings. There is as much machining involved as forging and it HAS to be right. Getting the weights right (for each end of the rod) is important, so they need to be close to stock shape (usually an "I" beam). Most rods do not have oil holes, usually only large ones (Mack, Cummins, Etc.).

I'd look into installing a different engine.

Good Luck!

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There are companies who make custom engine components and could very easily due so for you since you have a model for them to copy from, I would sugest you look into finding one of those companies, if you do a search on google you should be able to turn up something pretty easy.
I have delt with companies and had custom pistons, pushrods, and some other misc. parts made that could not be bought off the shelf.


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