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I Forge Iron

1st cross

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That is wonderful Frosty - I can't see any catywompus.
You got a good heart - most other people would just send flowers. You're gonna get just the biggest hug ever - and I imagine a lot of tears.
I'm glad to know you Frosty - even if it is just over email.

Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains how to make these kind of crosses? There are some great skills in there that I want to learn.


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Here are my measurements for a cross out of 1/2" stock.
The cross itself will be 6". I add 1 1/8" for the curls. This makes the total length of 1/2" barstock 8 1/4" long. I will make one split 5 1/2" long and the other 3 1/2" long. Once it is split I will cut the top the same length as the arms. I will mark each end in the middle 1 1/8" from the end. I will draw these to a point and later split to the 1 1/8" mark. I put a 3/8" drive 1/2" deep socket in the leg vise and use the working end to make the scrolls. I have made a few to these proportions and like the final product.

I had a problem with the center not opening properly. I was told to open it a little at at time switching between the arms and the column. Since I started doing it this way, I have not had a problem.
I have a picture of one in the gallery that is similar but, I thing it is out of 3/4" stock...

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Thanks Mike, Sam. I really don't know what to do for people in pain so I do what I know. Sometimes it works out.

Thanks Jerry, I'll give your dimensions a try, Deb wants a cross for Christmas, I hope we get enough warm weather to do it for her.


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