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I Forge Iron

Kohlswa Sweden anvil

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Welcome from the Ozark Mountains.

Anvil values differ wildly depending upon location. Also prices are figured on pounds they weigh. I will say for $50 U.S. you basically got a steal for a Swedish Steel Anvil no matter where in the world you are located.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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Good Morning Cory,

There is quite a strong Blacksmith group, Gimli/Winnipeg area. Matt and Rudy have their shop in Cloverdale, Cloverdale Forge. Connect and get to learn the basics, so you can use that fine piece of 'Old Rock'. They are a little singin', sometimes we stick a set of Tongs in the Pritchel Hole to take the ring out. Make sure you have your ear and eye gear on!!

Enjoy the journey


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Welcome aboard Cory, glad to have you. If you put your general location in the Header you'll have a better chance of meeting up with members living within visiting distance. Saying it in ONE post won't stick in anybody's memory once we open another one. 

I hope you bought a lottery ticket the day you got such a steal of a deal on your anvil! It'd be a good deal if it were a 25lb anvil. What does it weigh, have you put it on a bathroom scale?

No telling what the A and 94 mean, perhaps they are ID numbers for a shop, maybe inventory numbers from the seller. I don't think they are Kohlswa numbers. 

From what I can see in the pictures it is in excellent condition, maybe pristine. If you clean it up please do NOT use a grinding or sanding disk on the face, you'll be removing irreplaceable steel. A wire brush in a right angle grinder will remove the rust and dirt. Hot steel and hammers will smooth any dings there may be. I doubt there are any dings in the face a cast Swedish anvil usually damages hammers, chisels and punches that come on hard contact. Chipped edges are usually the only real face damage you see on them and the edges on yours look undamaged.

We'll talk about putting a radius on the edges if you decide to put that beautiful old lady to work yourself. 

What she's worth depends as said already on where you live. Anvils are usually sold by weight at a $/lb. rate and condition. Right now you're holding top shelf maker and condition, weight is third in the formula. 

Some time with a wire brush and a good finish, (BLO) Boiled Linseed Oil is a favored finish, it polymerizes so your anvil isn't oily feeling or stand and it does a fine job of protecting it from further rusting. HOT stee and hammers will keep her face shiny.

Frosty The Lucky.

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She cleans up nicely. It's hard to read but looks like she's around 124lbs? Nice size for a Swedish anvil, I have a 125lb. Solderfors myself.  

Are you planning of sticking around the forum, maybe participating? We'd be pleased to have you.

One last time, telling us where you are in a post isn't much good, as soon as we open another one we'll forget. Placing it in the header is as easy as clicking on your Avatar and clicking "Edit Profile" at the upper right in the window that opens. Make what changes you like and save. Done deal and we'll have an idea who to contact if we're traveling in your area. We can meet up, swap lies over a adult beverage or whatever.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh my that is nice.

Would enjoy hearing the story of how you found it, more details = more fun.

I'm guessing our new friend is a picker and won't be here long, which in no way is meant as a disparaging remark.  If it weren't for pickers, there would be even more fine anvils, guitars, you name, lost to the junk heap.

I'm sure she will find a good home and the OP will have been deservedly well rewarded.


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