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I Forge Iron

Well now I've done it

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I was surfing ebay, (it's the devil you know) and I ran across a 200 pound anvil. The guy had no descriptive narrative other than it had a "021" stamped on it. I couldn't tell much from the photo, but it didn't look too beat up. I thought there was no way I'd win this thing, and put in a low bid.

Well, I won, and now I'm wondering if I just bought a 200 pound door stop. So, I'm wondering were there many anvils of that size manufactured that were junk?

Don't get me wrong, I know that there are folks heatin and beatin on anything hard enough to hold up to hammer blows, but I'm still curious about this.

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Round these parts we commonly see anvils that size that look good but are just casts that used a real anvil for creating the mold. They range from quite nice to ASO's depending on what the foundry was casting.

Usually they are easy to tell from the real thing as the parting seam runs down the middle of the face and horn; but I have seen some that have been dressed carefully with intent to deceive.

Back in the early 1980's I had a 220# cast iron ASO due to a anvil theft a couple of days before a museum demo forcing my purchase---ugh. Used it once and I sold it at a loss to a fellow who swore they would never try to use it as an anvil! That experience is what has fueled my goal to have "back-ups" for all my favorite equipment.

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I know this is slightly off topic, but what does ASO stand for?? I can tell basically it sounds like the anvil is slightly better than muckbar or pig iron, but it would be nice to know the words.

If the translation is impolite, feel free to send a private message.


Rich C.

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I'm thinking of making an ASO out of wood with some wooden hammers for my 3Yo boy so he can hit something that will not likely hurt him. may even help keep him from grabbing my hammer and running off with it if I give him one that looks like mine and he can actually swing.

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Is this the anvil from Texas, and the owner also had a Kohlswa up for auction in a different sale? The Kohlswa didn't meet reserve, but the other anvil (possible the one that you won?) didn't have reserve and sold for not much more than starting bid.

I was following that auction because, to me, the horn shape looked like a Hay Budden. I was curious if this auction would take off price-wise or not.

I didn't have anything else to go off of besides the auction pictures. The first thing that popped into my mind when seeing the picture is 'Hay Budden'. Just speculation on my part.

Edited by Sask Mark
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If your auction was #250299873397 (It looks like it from your description) It doesn't look like a bad anvil. I don't think it would fall in the ASO category. I think you got it for the price you did, because it was pick-up only and he didn't put much description with it.


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I'm thinking of making an ASO out of wood with some wooden hammers for my 3Yo boy so he can hit something that will not likely hurt him. may even help keep him from grabbing my hammer and running off with it if I give him one that looks like mine and he can actually swing.


Plant the seed while they're young. The sooner you put a hammer in theor hand the better - just my 2 cents :D

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I'm not the brightest guy, I guess. The auction number was in fact 250299873397. So ya don't think I got hurt too bad huh?

It looks to be in good shape.
Either way you got it for less than $1.00 a pound :o.
That's a great price.
Have fun with it - hope it's not too far a drive to pick up.

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Yep, picked it up this past Saturday. All I can say is " Whoa Baby!" It's a beauty, rings like a bell, and rebounds beautifully! I'll post some pictures as soon as I can. It doesn't really make any difference who the manufacturer was, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. :D

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