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I Forge Iron

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Here is my first attempt at the Khukuri style blade, this knife is going to be my main carry blade for camping. I have wanted to make one for a long time, just to see what it was like to pound out something this heavy….I had no idea what I was getting myself into! I forged the 11” blade from leaf spring (5160) into a convex edge, I dropped the edge down far enough to make a good finger guard and tried to copy the curve of the blade to my beloved CS LTC. The notch on the tip is something I saw on the Hoods Hunter that I think is for the wire bail on a cooking pot, and the scallop on the spine is a spot to spark a BS Striker. I differentially heat treated the blade leaving the handle and half of the (5/16”+) thick spine soft. The grip is 5-






That is a work of brutal beauty. It looks fully functional and very useful.
thanks for sharing

I like the "before and after" pictures too. gives an idea of the work that goes into one of these.


Awesome! I've seen some really nice knives on this site, but I think this is the first knife I've seen that really makes me want to try knifemaking.

I love the beefy ruggedness of it... great job!

.... I don't want to hear about you having to live in the shop!

Dont know what'd be so bad about that, actually sounds like a dream come true ;):P

Very nice blade. Looks like one heck of a cutter, and definately has some great practical application. It wouldn't make sense to do a nice finish on a blade thats going to be used and put through its paces, and I think the rough finish is actually more appropriate for the overall look and feel of the blade anyway.

Also like that micarta, I have been wanting to play with making some myself some day... when I get the time that is... :rolleyes: .

Fantastic shape! Very well done on a first class piece of forging.

I am not sure why you chose to differentially harden, though. On a deep hardening steel like 5160 you would find it incredibly hard to get any sort of hamon besides a vague smoky line. It just doesnt like it very much! If you have got a hamon, give yourself a pat on the back! :)

Personally, if I wanted a soft spine and hard edge with a steel like 5160, in this blade style, I would have through hardened the whole piece, then drawn a differential temper by tempering normally, then drawing back the spine of the blade (with a blowlamp) with the edge held in a bucket of cold water.

I digress. Whatever works for you, you stick with. :)


I was trying to somewhat copy the hardness of the traditional khukuris by leaving the spine and handle soft. I used hot motor oil in a deep tub and sunk in about an 1-1/2" up from the edge, leaving the spine and handle out for a while. I have not got to try the draw temper yet, but I sure want to! That is one of the things I find so cool about this site, what ever you want to try to do, some one here has one or two or three ways to accomplish it. The amount of good info here is huge!
Thanks for the kind words folks, when ever I get the kydex sheath done I will post it up as well.

PLEASE tell me that they were discarded pajamas!!!! I don't want to hear about you having to live in the shop!

yes they were discarded, my Wife is a heck of a good shot!:o

Hey folks,
I was going to take it easy today, but this blade kept whispering in my ear..."I need a sheath, it won't take long....come on..."
So here it is, my new camping setup, Kydex sheath, that holds my SAK and diamond stick. Plus my mini-kit in a waterproof snuff container. I used a semi-rough leather for the belt loop and the leg strap, it seems to hold itself in place pretty good. The leg strap has Velcro riveted and glued into place. Enjoy the pics!




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