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I Forge Iron

Quenching/cooling ductile iron drift?

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Hey guys. Seems like they same product is on multiple sites - like, Amazon, eBay etc - all described basically the same same way as large tomahawk & hammer/ mouse ax drift and made from ductile iron. My anvil is ductile iron and I love it but they’ll never be a time I’m quenching it lol - I did some reading on if you can quench when using as a drift and I seem to be getting varying answers….if I’m drifting with this and using it as a handle to work cheeks and all that can I quench them off? If not at a red heat then once it shows no color whatsoever?

3 drift.jpg




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Have one and quench once color doesn't show, IF I need to quench.  Ideally you should work the drift pretty hot so it doesn't suck the heat out of your stock.  I find these really work a bit better as mandrels rather than drifts, but I weld my sockets typically so need to worry about "popping" the weld.

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