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I Forge Iron

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On 10/31/2020 at 12:02 PM, Steve Sells said:

wootz does not have layers, its a crucible steel B)

That's why you need the unicorn blood, naturally.  Allows for pattern welding of wootz without resolving the carbides into nothingness.  The fact that it's glittery and rainbow colored is simply an aesthetic bonus.  You could use griffin spoor, but that leads to undesired traces of phosphorus, and a stinky blade.

For something a design that complex, I second casting.  Although if cast separately and attached, I would have serious concerns about it cracking or becoming damaged upon striking.

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If your going for a solid staff, you could start with a section of stock with a diameter larger than your design and forge your way down from there. Start with the clouds on both sides, then draw out the middle of the staff, "stretching" the ends away from each other until you have the size you want. It might take a bit of math to find the starting stock size, there are threads on this forum on calculating the right amount of material needed for a project. There will also be some trial and error to keep the balance right. I would imagine a truck axle would be large enough for a couple tries and should be fairly easy to source. You could even engrave more detail into the clouds once the basic form is set.


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