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I Forge Iron

A light weight and mobile side blast forge without water jacket?


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there is a guy in Oregon (US) that makes a wood fired forge. Whitlox Forge, saw it on youtube and seems to be a good idea. Funny how I live in a town that was the third largest in the state of Washington at one time due to the coal mined in the area. Black Diamond is the name. go figure!! can buy coal locally but when my son asked how much it was they asked how many train cars he wanted!! plenty of trees and free wood.

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I'm sure they'll be happy to sell you a mere dump truck load. Have you called a farrier supply or contacted the NWBA? Joined the NWBA? I'll bet they buy by the ton and sell small amounts to members. The Alaska club would but we'd have to ship it in from the lower 48, nobody's mining metallurgical coal here. If they hit a seam in the only operating mine I'm sure it's loaded with the other furnace coal and shipped overseas.

Frosty The Lucky.


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There’s a coke plant within driving distance of me, but they only sell by the train car load to the metallurgical industry.

I like where you’re going with the tuyere. I assume the two smaller tubes are to connect to a separate bosh?

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JHCC you are correct I will have a separate container for the water that I will connect to with hose. Might run it with an electric pump or on the thermosiphon principle (self circulation, use the same at work on heaters for wooden hot tubs). I've been wondering if I should make the base of the firepot larger and have less of a slope on the walls, and instead fill in with bentonite clay for insulation and to get it a bit more like a traditional side blast forge. You suggest 18x18" but that would be basically as large as the surface of the forge in this case. The top of this pot is 225 x 245mm wide or 9x10 inches (roughly).

Here is a sectional view showing the inside of the tuyere:


I did find a company in the north of Finland that sells coke in "big bags", 860 euros for .85 metric tons + shipping. I am hoping me and this other guy could find a 3rd or 4th person and we could split one of these big bags. Assuming three people, how long would 620lbs of coke last you guys?


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