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I Forge Iron

Hydraulic Press Builds

Donal Harris

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Has anyone yet put together a plan for a hydraulic press which is easy to build and safe to use, meaning the thing is not going to experience spontaneous rapid disassembly?

I would like to use it to disrupt an 8” length of 1.5” until it is 2.5” in diameter.  Or draw out 2” stock until it as the desired thickness  

Perhaps a book I could search for and find?



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Yes. Upset. I’m a newb. Very much a newb. But I listen well to those who know. Especially those who can tell me how to build one that is safer, because they have already been there and done that when building presses which ended up being unsafe at any speed. 

My real reason for wanting a press is concern about power hammer noise in the neighborhood. We are sort of spread out, but this is still not a rural area. 


Donal Harris

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I figured it was a typo or misplaced term I do it all the time and edit my posts repeatedly before sending. . . usually. It saves me apologizing as much.

I've never built a hydraulic forging press worked with hydraulics systems a lot but no forging presses. How good are your welding skills? Hydraulic systems aren't the place to learn how to weld. A bad weld with a cylinder pushing on it can be B A D on toast. 

 Frosty The Lucky.

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My skills are rusty, but better than most. I can use mig or arc welders. No tig. I welded for my dad and father in law before and after school from 14 till I left for the Army building gas tanks, utility trailers and such. But that was almost 40 years ago. Most of the welding on my pot was done by me. Dad did most of the cutting. My cuts looked like I was trying to make a saw. His were dead, solid straight. Not bad for a guy pushing 80. 


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Burn some rod practicing it'll come right back. 

I use a guide to get cuts smooth straight and even unless I'm demoing. I did a lot more welding than torch cutting and have only played with plasma a little. I have a heck of a time since the accident, nerve damage to my left eye makes it really hard to see the puddle or follow a line. Stupid tree!

 Frosty The Lucky.

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I used Randys book to build mine  i've been usin it for over 2 1/2 years the biggest thing i learned is speed of the ram is more important than tonnage as long as you got 16 ton or more of squeeze. I'M gettin around 21 ton out of short 10'' stroke piston and a 5''' dia cyl with a 5 hp motor with a fast dual stage pump in a simple to build h frame.

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Thanks.  I will look for the book. It will be a year or two before I build it. It has to be paid for with 100% disposable money that I have managed to not dispose of. Although I downloaded an app called RobinHood that is helping with that. 

It is a trading app which allows you to open an account with zero money. The costs to trade are minimal. I through a thousand at it just to see how well I could do. Pretty well it turned out, but then even a pigeon pecking at a list could do well after the crazy COVID sell off. 


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