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I Forge Iron

Basic skills classes

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Anyone close enough who would like to attend, contact Pat, he's in the book or you can PM me. I'm not going to post his contact info on the open forum. Mark's a pro it's going to be a darned good class and you have two chances to make this one.

Frosty The Lucky.

Happy New Year Everybody.
Mark Couch will be teaching forging skill development classes on January 11th and 25 th.
The January11th class will be making twist hooks, the skills taught will include punching ,bending,drawing and several different twists.
January 11th at Arctic Fires Bronze Sculptureworks studio in Palmer.
3:00pm to 6:00pm

January the 25th class will be making leaf hooks.
The skills taught will include bending,drawing,punching,and making different leaf styles.
January 25th at Arctic Fires Bronze Sculptureworks in Palmer.
3:00 pm to 6:pm

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  • 4 months later...

Welcome aboard Jon, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header we'll know if we live close enough to visit. It helps honest.

Everything is on hold till the pandemic gets sorted out. There'll be an announcement when the club comes out of . . . whatever the gang is doing to stay clear of Covid 19.

I'll PM with private contact info.

Frosty The Lucky. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mr. Brandy,

Welcome to I.F.I. and Alaska (a.k.a. Frosty-land)

you wrote the following,

   "I've done a bit of forging in uni".

Where is Uni? is it in Alaska?

The SLAG.   awaits a reply.


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Welcome aboard Brandy, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header we won't have to keep asking. Right now the club hasn't decided on the next meeting. There are a number of club members living in Anchorage but I think most folks are staying to themselves right now. 

I'll PM contact info so you can start talking to the local gang.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome aboard PJ, glad to have you. Bryan Morgan lives in North Pole and he has better connections in the interior. Ben Mehaffey teaches, he's located near Delta Junction, sort of. Folks in Delta know where he lives and he's in the book. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 8 months later...

Welcome aboard April, glad to have you. :)

You missed the club meeting last Saturday, I'm too high risk to attend until my vaccine is up to strength. The Association of Alaska Blacksmiths has a Facebook group a quick search will put you in touch with the latest club info. One of the guys has been putting on classes in the basic. There should be an event notice on the FB page. I'll contact Tristan and ask or maybe he'll see your post and respond. 

I'm on Vine Rd. literally across the road from Wasilla unless they moved the city limits again. Club meetings are usually held at Arctic Fires Bronze in Palmer. There are a number of members in Anchorage and I can think of a number who help folk learn the craft. Bring your husband along, a family that forges together stays together you know. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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