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Clay Spencer tier hammer 75lb+ hammer / TUP?

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I'm working from Clay Spencer's tire hammer plans, but am considering a larger hammer and anvil. The Anvil is easy, more is better, demensions don't change much.

The feedback I've gotten from Clay is that he thinks 65lbs will work without change and that 90lbs won't. 

Has anyone got first hand experience increasing the hammer / Tup weight? What did you have to change to make it work well?

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Wondering that myself, Raymond Head has the same view as Clay, this design is really only safe for 65lbs. Also mentioned to me the heavier ram you get the more sluggish it will make the hammer. Increase the motor size? I imagine there is a limit point for the motor size and how much of its power can be transfered through a direct drive friction wheel. So there must be a point to which a bigger motor would be useless to create a larger hammer. 

Personally I've thought about just increasing the thickness of the material used and laying down more welds than are required to create a larger hammer. At the end of the day though, a 50lb hammer is probably good enough for anyone that wants to build this design. There's less trial and error and head aches if you were to just follow the plans than if you were to modify it too. 

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Regarding motor and power transferral, Little Giant 250 and 500 lb hammers may not be eactly the same but they're very similar. It's easy to imagine - is your hammer sluggish? Add power! But other than that I agree with the previous posters - if Clay's design says 65 lb then that's what the frame is designed for. You need to reinforce the frame in that case (all of the hammer) if you want a heavier ram.

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I’m also in the process of building a Clay Spencer hammer. I’ve had a few conversations with the man up to this point. I believe that you can make the anvil, base and a few other parts heavier and make the 50 pound hammer much more efficient. A good anvil and base and good machining skills will make the best of this hammer.

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