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I Forge Iron

Vises mounted vertical.


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Lately I've been doing a bit of an experiment. I mounted one vise with the spindle vertical;  so I have one fixed jaw horizontal, and a moving jaw going up-down. The picture below will help; it's the left vise. I mounted it next to a nice and heavy post vise.  The workbench is a repurposed table; solid oak; about 200 pounds of it. I fixed it to the rear wall too. I paved the top with Aluminium. 


Now I know how to mount a vise; and the left is NOT how they should be mounted. However; given that we're doing lots of cutting and grinding; having a fixed horizontal jaw really helps keeping work steady. In the post vise; it *can* slide out of the jaws towards the ground. However; that usually means you didn't clamp it hard enough.

For the past three courses I've given; I noticed the vertical one actually gets used the most. There's more dust on the floor below it than any other vise. The "normal" vises are used too; for filing, bending things ...general purpose stuff. But when it comes to cutting or grinding ... I kinda prefer the vertical spindle vise.

So my question ... who else mounts at least one vise in their shop like this ?


Greetz; Bart




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Definitely an "Uh..duh" moment on this one....I too have a "spare" bench vise in a corner from upgrading to better and now it's definitely going on the bench sidewise.  I can think of a ton of times that would have made life easier.

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