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I Forge Iron

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I just can't believe it; nine years and their dumping me. I'm not that old, not in bad shape, for my age.
You should see my replacement!
The pretty face was just to much for them to resist. Sure, I'll admit, she has a nice body and all; but looks aren't everything.
I've taken the brunt of the abuse for years.
It's been me, thats taken all the heat for them.
I can hear them talking, about her, in there. Stupid men, oohing and awing
over her.
They'll be sorry, they got rid of me. I just know they will.

After forging a few large blades using the new 300 lb anvil with the pretty face on it; I suddenly realized that I missed the usefulness of the old sway backed hundred pounder, the one sitting out on the garage floor. I had learned to use that swayback to my advantage to put the "rite curve" to the spines of my big blades.

I put her back inside this morning, right next to the new one. I know it sounds dumb; but I thought I heard a sigh of contentment come from that old swaybacked anvil.

Fred ;):D


I have a devil of a time straightening stuff on the big flat Fisher I like to forge on, the old worn much smaller anvil just seems to do it naturally. Most of my "using anvils" are in a clump and I may have different hardy tools in all of them at the same time.


Good one Fred. You had me wondering.

I tell all the kids I show the craft, "flat isn't always better."

Besides, just because you got a new anvil doesn't mean you have to get rid of the old one. I didn't.



I certainly won't be getting rid of my old one. If either of my girls continue to show interest in hammering they now have a great learning anvil to start on.

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