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I Forge Iron

My buddy Lee's shop

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I have been very lucky in finding a friend who is a kindred creative spirit, but chooses a different set of tools :D . Lee is a machinist, not a hobby machinist a true blue working machinist, and is one of the smartest guys I know and am proud to have him as a friend. Plus, he has a DREAM shop, with tons of cool tools, and being a machinist when I say tons I mean it! Lee gracisouly allowed me to take some pictures of some of his machines, hope you guys like. The big green lathe is a monarch, the BIG drill press (if you could call it that) is a Fosdick, and the bandsaw is an I don't know, i'll look for the casting mark when I am there again, but it is a VERY good bandsaw, and in perfect working order. Also, the anvil in the pictures is Lee's father's anvil, used to be a smith in a quarry, it is the most in perfect condition Fisher I have ever seen, with 1/3 of the corners of the face from the table with a slight radius.












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fosdick was known for precision jig bore machines , hold a tenth all day long {.0001}
probally still does , thats the way that old iron was .
nice shop , does he have a lot of contracts ?

does your stomach have butterflies in it when you visit, do you get a headache thinking of all the tools you could make for blacksmithing or other projects

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Frosty, it's the best thing there is!

HD, WOW I didn't think anyone would know anything about fosdick! I still do get butterflies! Lee is a great guy though, he is teaching me to do all the finer work, like working with a milling machine, and soon a lathe, and is also very artistic and does welding sculptures, oxy tank gongs and stuff, he does wonders with aluminum! he does a good bit of outside work for others, like the days of the town blacksmith he is the town machinist and does mostly one of a kind repair work.

You guys will flip when you hear what he just sold that old drill for, 400$ on yor truck and out the door! I wish I had the funds and space at the time. It was replaced by a mag drill, which Lee assures me can do just about the same work.

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hdwarner, it is a language problem. Different crafts have their own vocabulary that needs explained sometimes. Coke to a blacksmith is the black stuff that burns well. When you buy a ton of coke and pass out samples "of the good stuff" to your friends, the cops get all excited. They test your samples and find out your coke is better / different / not the same as they expected.

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a tenth is what us knucklehead machinists call a tenthousands
thanks for the correction
everyone is a critic looking to correct someone that misspeaks or miswrites
thanyou i will try not to do that again

Hey Hd,
Was that said with tongue in cheek or with cheek in the tongue:)
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