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I Forge Iron

Rail Road steel - FYI

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There have been several posts on collecting rail road spikes, steel, etc from along the tracks. There have been at least two features on the TV News in the last week about people being arrested by the STATE POLICE (not rr police) for people crossing the tracks at other than designated locations. One was kids getting out of school and crossing the tracks to get to Mom's waiting car.

Trespassing on Railroad Property

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Those laws date back to when RR sabotage was pretty common due to labor issues, then were re-inforced during the War years (WW I&II). They laid pretty low until Homeland Security started noticing how large masses of toxic/explosive materials moved through major cities with no supervision.

Take Columbus OH, explosives on trucks have to take the beltway and stay about 15 miles from the city center and state capitol. The RR is just a couple of blocks away.

They also *own* all that discarded scrap metal and with the price of scrap so high have trouble with folks who may decide they want a bit more than the discards.

They also really take it on the chin when someone does something stupid; gets hurt and sues the RR.

For my part I find it quite understandable. I know how I react when someone wants to sneak on my property and take some of my scrap that's just sitting there...

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Our guild meets at the shop of the Tennessee Valley Railway Museum... Only through their good graces are we allowed on site and we keep a careful watch on others whenever we are there. The liability issue is probably greatest, followed by sabotage (even as a prank, its still sabotage), and then loss of material.

If you happen to see track gangs working at a crossing and there is scrap pieces nearby, never hurts to introduce yourself, explain what you would like and why, and be ready to take no as an answer.... However, many times, by asking AFTER you have introduced yourself, you can get some of the smaller items....

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I have contacted the local historic trolley group who has been doing some rail work and have been told that after July if there are any left over / bent pieces of track, that I might be able to get them at that point. I've got my Outlook set to remind me to contact them in July.

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I’m lucky, my work has a lot of old track running around it that belongs directly to the company. All of the tract has been disconnected from the outside lines and is no longer used. My supervisor told me I could pick up strays as long as I was not out there with a bar pulling the spikes out of the tracks. So far I have collected 28 spikes and 1 plate. I’m hoping to talk him in to letting me have a length of bent track that is laying in the yard.

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That's Right Kid Be Mean To The Outlaws !
Not That I Would Promote Stealing !

I`am NOT stealing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guy asked his boss if he could let me have the extras and they ordered to many , they order a bucket extra usally LOL. But again I`am not stealing them or either is that guy
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So This Operation Has Been Going On For A While Now ?
Sort Of A Family Enterprise !
Hmmmmm! :rolleyes:

No thems from ain`t rr spike (well sorta) their from the coal mines . When they shut down my great grandpa got them caues he was a boss and was going make some thing.

The guy who gets the spikes for me is not related also and its approved by the rr , well his boss
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