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Hello Gentlemen!
Just so everybody knows, I am new and I have no idea what I am doing!
I am a beginner blacksmith. I have been forging for a little over a year and right now I am fifteen. Currently, I have two forges, two blowers, an anvil, and a vice. I do sell a few products on our family website.
I am pretty much self-taught but I have had a few lessons here and there.
If anybody knows of a good coal supplier in Ky. or northern Tennessee, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate that.

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer
"It's not the fact that you're dead that counts but only how did you die"

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Welcome to the forum, sounds like your doing pretty good for 15, sorry I can't help none on the coal in your area but there are coal supplier lists that are around the web, I think there may be one on the ABANA web site, I have some links saved on my other computor, I'll try and remember to post them tomorrow.


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If your in the eastern half of the state your in. Just about any tipple will sell you some by the ton. Sometimes you can find folks who burn coal and clean around their piles. Call your local dept of mining and minerals office. they can put you in the right direction.

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Thanks Guys!
Glen, we are in the southern central part of Kentucky. The city is Columbia. We are a little over an our east of Bowling Green, and an hour west of Somerset. We are just a little north of the Ky./Tn. line.

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer
"It's not the fact that you're dead that counts but only how did you die"

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Hey Fiery, I guess it would be a little bit of a drive for you, but Louisville has a great coal supplier, that is a great supplier of great coal.

Cumberland Elkhorn Coal & Coke‎
950 Swan St
Louisville, KY 40204
(502) 589-5300

Call first if you go there, just to make sure they're not out making deliveries or something. The cheapest way to buy it is to bag it yourself. They sell bags for $1, or you can use your own containers. Just ask for blacksmith coal.

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Here's some I found in KY, I don't know if they are in your area or not so I just copy and pasted the ones in KY, hope they help.


Cumberland Elkhorn Coal & Coke
950 Swan Street
Louisville, KY 40204
Source of excellent blacksmithing coal in bulk or by the bag.
The coal is washed, is low in ash, produces little clinker, and
they will ship by truck.

Mike Weber
120 Prosperous Pl.
Ph: (859) 543-0090
Fax: (859) 543-0992
[email protected]

Rhino Energy

Andrew Cox
Nick Glancy

3120 Wall Street, Suite 310
Ph: (859) 519-3610
Fax: (859) 389-6588
[email protected]
[email protected]

TECO Coal Corp.

Edward L. Billips
Director Utility & Industrial Sales
P.O. Box 2135
(606) 437-5910
(606) 437-5912
[email protected]

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Call your local dept of mines and minerals. Its their job to keep tabs on things like that. I have a friend who works at ours and she says people call them all the time for info on buying house coal.

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Thanks again guys. I'll check into those suppliers soon.
Fact of interest: I'm located near a huge steel supplier, Sanduske Steel.
I heard several people mention getting steel there and I'll be getting by there soon, to replinish. I hope that they don't have an outragous order minimum because I only buy 100 ft, or so, at a time.

The Kidsmith,
Dave Custer
"It's not the fact that you're dead that counts but only how did you die"

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Hey tetnum,
Thank you for that link. I think I've heard of Blacksmiths Depo before but I'm not sure. What kind of set up do you have as far as tools? It's good to see somebody else my age interested in smithing. Do you have a teacher in your area?

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer
"It's not the fact that your dead that counts but only how did you die"

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i have been smithing scence i was nine and scence i moved i had to leave moast of my stuff at my grandparents so what i have is:
1 #25 bench vice
1 #15 hf anvil (ASO)
bunch of small tools files hammers and such
and a coal/lump charcoal mix forge
made from fire brick base and 12hole brick chimney

and there are quite a few kids our age on IFI
all of wihich have contributed alot to this forum

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That's a bummer having to leave all your stuff behind. We just moved to Ky. from Ga. and at first I had to leave all my stuff as well. Now I have one forge set up and a vice and my anvil up here. All my tools are up here as well. These consist of 2 1/2lb cross peen, 1 lb ball peen, 4lb sledge, 1 small file, an old pair of "Champion" tongs, some handmade tongs, and an "F" stamp. Anyway, thanks for repling and we'll probably hear from each other soon.

The Kidsmith,
Dave Custer
"It's not the fact that you're dead that counts but only how did you die."

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Hello Dave,
I`am 14 yrs. old. I`ve been smithing since september. I have a shop based coal forge and an portable coal forge for demos. I`am still working on my single burner gas forge. I have an HF (ASO) #110 Lb anvil , a Hf (ASO) #55 lb. anvil. A 4 inch champion post vice. A homemade treadle hammer. Check my website out and my gallery here on IFI to see pictures.

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