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This is a 200# cutlers anvil i traveled almost 2000 miles round trip through canadian farm lands and the Adirondack mountains freezing rain, heavy snow and torrential down pours. I got elevation sickness in the mountains. I brought my daughter and my friend brought his son with us. We got to see Niagra falls and all kinds of beautiful countryside. IT WAS WORTH EVERY MINUTE! 








You will need one heck of a front sight for that dovetail haha!

Nice score though. Did you go to the US side, or the Canadian side of the falls? I can be at the US side in about two and a half hours. You drive past it if you aren't paying attention. Not much else to do on our side anymore, but it is still a beautiful sight standing right next to or even under them.


No i didnt get any bottom tools. I wish i did though. 

I also wish we would have went to the Canadian side. It looked a lot nicer!  I am going to take the whole family rhis summer and we are going to stay on the Canadian side by the casino. 

I dont think i will ever take a hammer to this thing. I tapped it a couple times with a hammer and did a ball bearing test which came out to 85%. 


Canadian side has more for after you are done looking at the falls. The casino, wax museums, and a whole strip of restaurants and such within walking distance of the falls themselves. At least the last time I was there, but thats been a while ago. Both are nice just for the falls, but if you are making a trip of it, the other side has more to do.


Back in the day... a bunch of us used to go over the border every friday/sat.  Drinking age was lower in Canada.  Used to hit all the clubs/casino/bars/etc. Good times when you are 19.

Years later... I took the wife there for the weekend.  We got the presidential suite in the hotel attached to the Casino.  I think it was called the Hamilton or something.  Top floor, 2 floor suite.  Hottub in the master bedroom with glass roof/side wall with a view of the horseshoe falls.  2nd floor bathroom you could sit on the toilet and had a clear view through a window wall of the horseshoe falls.


Good times



Back on topic,

I love the texture of your anvil.  The hand made look is very cool.

Mine is more straight line, factory made look.




Wow i have been searching for one like that also. This anvil i got i think just made me an anvil collector. Im now searching for nice old rare anvils. I have useable anvils (not that this one isn't) but i want rare and interesting now. 

Here is a picture of me and my daughter at the falls. Didn't get a good picture of the falls but there was a huge ice island just below us in the picture


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