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I Forge Iron

i think i hit the jackpot at the amish

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I lived 15 years in Ohio and never found a good deal with the Amish that wasn't good only on their side of things!  But calling around to find stuff is useful; except that you generally end up calling folks who are trying to make money selling stuff and so the deals are not as good for you.  Have you read up on the TPAAAT?

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Wow, that's a nice little cluster of good stuff.  Amish usually put a premium on their stuff rather it be baked goods or stuff they are selling, but it's usually top notch.  The only thing you have to decide is if you want to pay up.  Maybe if you buy several things he'd lower his price per pound.  If so, pick the thing you want and some things you know you can sell to recoup the price of the anvil.  Get creative as he will only be thinking about the bottom line.  If you can buy more and get say 3 anvils for $3 per pound, you can keep one and sell the other two for $4 per pound as people are paying that these days (not me, but some don't mind parting with that kind of cash).  Let us know how it turned out and what ends up following you home.

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