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I Forge Iron

Forge burner


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So I posted on facebook i was looking for blacksmithing stuff and a guy said he had some stuff. He had a bunch of beginners tools I need hammers, tongs, etc. he also has a forge burner like ive never seen before and I was looking for an experts point of view 


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It's a little hard to tell from that picture, but the burner appears to be made of cast iron or steel.  If so, it will not last long at forge temperatures.  Based on what appears to be a handsaw handle I'd also say it's very large compared to what we normally recommend for a  first forge.  You can build your own ribbon burner out of materials that will last significantly longer and be a more suitable size for a small forge for about the same money.  Personally, I'd pass on it.

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If you're looking to get started on a budget, take a good hard look at the threads on the JABOD (Just A Box Of Dirt) solid-fuel forges. For the cost of a box of nails, a dual-action air mattress pump, and a sack of fuel (charcoal or coal), plus whatever lumber and dirt you can scrounge for free, you can be up and running in a few hours.


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1 minute ago, lukerec said:

I think my dad said he had some semi break drums

Been there, done that.  Bad idea.  You can make it work if you put your mind to it, but there are MUCH better options out there.  Grab some snacks and a cold beverage and spend some time in the solid fuel forge section to get some good ideas.  What JHCC posted above is probably the simplest, least expensive yet effective way to get up and running.

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I think before you sand the guy off, all fat dumb and happy, to waste a few years pursuing coal forges, you could at least, mention Ron Reils forge pages, where the average newbie, who has been watching youtube has a chance to get himself turned around enough to ask sane questions here?

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