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I Forge Iron

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:confused:Hey y`all,
I was looking through some pics of anvil stands and was wondering what thebset design would be for demos . I was thinking bout one made out of angle iron but wasn`t sure. I have a cheap 50 lber. . Any pics would be great .



Angle iron would make a fine, light weight stand. And it lends itself well to add-ons and modifications; tong holder, hammer hook, what ever.

Angle iron would make a fine, light weight stand. And it lends itself well to add-ons and modifications; tong holder, hammer hook, what ever.

Ok AWESOME!!! I got abunch of it and I seen there are some VERY simple angle designs I seen in the gallery . Would 3 inch and 1/4 inch thick angle be WAY to much over kill?

Rather depends on the demo right? If it's a historical one then you need to use something appropriate for the time period. One neat trick is to get a hollow log to mount the anvil on as it's lighter than a solid stump. Banding it and insetting a top is a good idea if you plan to use it a lot.

If you can build your stand to hold a 5 gal bucket of water you have extra weight in the stand that goes away when you dump it, a place to quench hot metal/tools and a built in fire supression device.

nb: always bring a good fire extinguisher to a demo---it makes the site owner feel like you are a sane and trustworty individual---I've snowed many a site owner that way and then they tend to overlook the random dropped piece, etc.


Ok cool Idea!!! Most will not reallly have to have a stump but will do that also!! I belive I`lll make one of those 5 gallon bucket stands like in the bps for my quench bucket .. I also planned to take a fire extinguisher . Belive I`ll build it adjustable also !:cool:


Just a hint if you want an extra sturdy angle iron stand... use old bed frames for your angle iron. You can get them free on the side of the road all the time, and they're a mid/high carbon steel rather than mild.


Don't forget to attach some feet to the end of the angle iron legs to prevent the legs from being driven into the ground if you are doing a demo on soft soil. It's odd when your anvil keeps getting lower and lower as you work on it!!


yeah I i`am going to n=make all the hardwAre for my demo coal , such as tong rack will be twisted that kinda stuff. Also WANt to make a wagon to dispaly the stuff on the top then once done put it all in it it be boxed


If you make your angle iron stand three legged it'll be stable even on uneven ground. The typical three legged setup is one leg under the horn and two under the heel.

A quench bucket under the stand is a good idea, you need to make a shelf for it to sit on but don't make it too close to the ground. If the ground is uneven and the shelf hits the ground your anvil will get rocky / wibbly wobbly on you.


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