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I Forge Iron

North German Double Horn Anvil

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8 hours ago, JT said:

something very strange is going on with this anvil !! I talked to the seller and was ready to buy it.. he was very nice about everything and said its a good deal and priced it to sell !! .. I then asked about its rebound and got a lot of beating around the bush !! from.. its probably alright ... I'm selling it just the way I bought it... I won't confirm either way if its good or not !! ..then told me he wouldn't even confirm that it was indeed 685lbs ... that is just what the guy he bought it from told him.. and he has no way of weighing it...  and if you send me the money the anvil is yours !!

I asked about the anvil on top and he was quick to tell me it is a 40lb. Hay Budden !!

I asked if he was a anvil collector?? and he said yes.. he has been collecting anvils for years and has many.. but... he has no way to check the rebound on this one ??? I asked if he could bounce a ball peen hammer on it and some of his other anvils and see if they are the same ??  then he sent me a email saying he didn't think I would be happy with the anvil and wasn't going to sell it now.. ????

I believe there is something wrong and he knows it... but in his words "I won't confirm either way"..

Interesting. An anvil collector would know what he is selling. It's s dud, forget it. Pitty though. 

7 hours ago, JHCC said:

No idea, but it's probably just one word. 

In German you say Katze im Sack not Schwein im Sack... Different animal same idiom :)

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21 minutes ago, Marc1 said:

How far away is it? Not worth the trip? 

no not worth the trip, even offered to have a blacksmith near him look at it for me and he would not respond by phone or email... 

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