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I Forge Iron

Latest broken back seax


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Here is the latest seax I have finished:-

This is a 5 bar seax blade. It is constructed from vintage wrought iron, then 2 layers of 7 layer alternating twist and another layer of wrought iron and 700 layer random pattern Damascus at the edge.
The blade is handled in elm and Lether and copper and sheathed in leather. The sheath has an ajustable strap
 to alter the angle of the dangle.



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Can I be greedy and ask for a close up pic of the handle?

I love the varied layers of Damascus. The 7 layer alternating twist is my favorite. Of course that's sort of like saying hot fudge is my favorite part of an ice cream sundae. All the parts are great and even better together.

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On 29/05/2017 at 9:14 PM, Foundryman said:

Beautiful blade though its almost a shame to have covered the figured elm with the leather wrap!

tis true, there is some peeking out though....I wanted to try a few leather wrapped handled for seax as Petr has done some for me and I liked them. I am spoilt for burl wood and this was what I had cut in the right size.


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