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I Forge Iron

Found a Champion and a Buffalo blower


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Found these two blowers yesterday will be cleaning them up a bit. The buffalo was full of sand cleaned it out checked the gear box and it was still in great shape surprisingly, oiled it up and it operates as designed. Going to build a new handle for it unless someone wants to part with one.  The Champion was working and not full of sand thats always a plus, it needs the bearings lubed or maybe changed and  oil for the gears. I am going to do a full restore and is going to a friend in Texas.. These thing are cool. 




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Please tell me if I need to fill the gearbox in my Buffalo hand-crank blower ( model 200 )

with oil, or just grease the gears etc. I took it all apart, and it has a big gasket on the gearbox portion, but was dry when I opened it up.

Also, what type of oil to use, and how to mount this bugger?


John Fosmire

Los Alamos


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I oil mine with the light machine oil they sell for swamp coolers.  My blowers have an oil port in the top where I just give it a shot before I start and and when I get back from lunch if I'm working all day.  Note blowers tend to leak!  Some types have a side plug and you fill the case till that level.

As for mounting someone has already "customized" that part of your blower  and you will need to figure out how to make a stand that will work with what they did.

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