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Your tetanus and lockjaw shots up to date?


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Often called lockjaw, tetanus is a bacterial infection that causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death. The tetanus vaccine has made tetanus a preventable disease. Thanks to its widespread use, lockjaw has become very rare in the U.S. Even so, many adults in the U.S. need to be vaccinated against tetanus because there is no cure and 10% to 20% of victims will die.

You cannot get tetanus from another person. You can get it through a cut or other wound. Tetanus bacteria are commonly present in soil, dust, and manure. The tetanus bacteria can infect a person even through a tiny scratch. But you are more likely to get tetanus through deep punctures from wounds created by nails or knives. The bacteria travel via blood or nerves to the central nervous system.

References: WedMD

Consult your health care professional if you have questions about tetanus or the vaccine shots. 

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It is common practice In the UK to vacinate against tetanus and often a "top up" jab is adminstered if you are treated for a wound at an A&E dept. depending on the duration from the last vaccination. I can't ever recall anyone in the UK being a victim of tetanus, which suggest it works well!

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My primary care physician put me on a twice as often update schedule for tetanus when he heard I was a blacksmith.  He thought I was a farrier but as I rummage around in scrapyards and farm scrap piles for fun I never complained. I've read of John Augustus Roebling death from tetanus and decided not to follow his example!

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