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real peddinghaus?

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I am looking into purchasing an anvil, and i have found both a peddinghaus and attwood stourbridge. The peddinghaus is listed as 75kg, but I am now in doubt as to whether it is a real peddinghaus.

I read on this forum people claiming some peddinghaus are made in belgium, i believe this is not the case? but i also read that the non-ridgid peddinghaus now get some produced by a turkish company, which may or may not be a good anvil.

I have included some pictures of the peddinghaus anvil im looking at (taken by seller, i have not physically seen yet).


and now im in doubt, i cannot find much information about peddinghaus shapes, i have however read on the forum that many older ones have been discontinued due to the dies being worn out. I have found some old ones stamped with "original PFP" that looks a bit like it, however the horn on this one appears to be longer than those.

The foot also seem to have only the "4 legs" whereas most peddinghaus i find seem to have a big extra "block" in between two legs on one side, with exception of some of the older

Also i read that on anvils greater than 50kg they were drop forged of 2 pieces and welded (previously with forgewelding, now electrically) together, and this does appear to have a weld line.

I am however a bit on doubt, especially since i saw this:



Any advice appreciated




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The pictures you posted are a high quality forged German anvil, very possibly named Original PFP (Paul Ferdinand Peddinghaus) Definitely buy it if the price is right and you like the pattern (form/features) This is not one of the newer ones where the quality is questionable. It is drop forged in two pieces and welded at the waist, which dies not compromise the quality. Anything around $500 is a fair price. 


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I agree with Matei above. That anvil that has been cut in half looks like a cast iron anvil. The feet look a bit wrong and the lack of a pritchel hole on it is a dead give away that something isn't right. My money is on a cast iron copy of something else.



The anvil you have posted photo's of is indeed a real Peddinghaus and you should buy it. Great anvils.



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On 24/08/2016 at 0:23 AM, Fatfudd said:

Are you all being helpful or just sarcastic?

That is a truly fine anvil and I wish it were mine.


Woops should have been more specific. -the anvil that has been cut in half in the link above. (the double horn) Looks like cast iron to me. I'd expect a double horn to have a pritchel hole as well.


The single horn anvil the OP has posted pictures off is certainly a real peddinghaus. The single horn/ forward hardy is a classic German design. I've seen a few German anvils like it.



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I'll be brief. (turns out I failed at trying to be brief)

The anvil here, is a real single horn Peddinghaus, made before Peddinghaus was taken over by RIDGID

The site link etc. read the VERY LAST post by SinePari. I talked with this person via Facebook.
This anvil lacks all characteristics of a Peddinghaus. WHO in their right mind would use cones!?
Peddinghaus anvils were forge welded at the waist, unless smaller than 50kg - 110lbs. (more) Modern
Peddinghaus anvils are milled flat and then welded at the waist.

I have promoted Peddinghaus and Refflinghaus anvils for their quality.

I have stopped doing this for the latest RIDGID Peddinghaus anvils. They no longer are the same quality.
 The recent models are FAR below the standard of what they used to be.

Having been at the factory in Gevelsberg, Germany, where they are still made today. I had the honor of seeing their production.
Sadly, the factory Chiefs have informed me the market is too small for them to keep up the high standard for their now small range of anvils.
They used to make 12 models!!!! It's down to just 3 today!!
So they have to keep cutting corners.

I have felt, seen and heard about:

-Irregular hardness
-Ugly waist weld
-Not aligned hardy holes
-Forging defects on the horns or body (the second one shouldn't matter much, just aesthetically less pleasing)
-Irregular chamfering
-uneven forged face transition into the horns.

I have actually made a small documentation of this and sent this to the Chiefs. They know about it. But for the little demand there is, they can't make the anvils any better.
Their main focus at Peddinghaus is their range of vises.

I can rant on for much longer in much more detail but this post is getting very long already.

I don't suggest people anymore to buy a RIDGID Peddinghaus anvil anymore that is newly made. Quality is just a lot lower than what it used to be.
Keep an eye out for the older ones from RIDGID from the 1990s, they were well made.
And of course not to forget all predecessors: PFP, Original PFP and Peddinghaus.

Such a shame............

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7 hours ago, TechnicusJoe said:

I'll be brief. (turns out I failed at trying to be brief)

The anvil here, is a real single horn Peddinghaus, made before Peddinghaus was taken over by RIDGID

The site link etc. read the VERY LAST post by SinePari. I talked with this person via Facebook.
This anvil lacks all characteristics of a Peddinghaus. WHO in their right mind would use cones!?
Peddinghaus anvils were forge welded at the waist, unless smaller than 50kg - 110lbs. (more) Modern
Peddinghaus anvils are milled flat and then welded at the waist.

I have promoted Peddinghaus and Refflinghaus anvils for their quality.

I have stopped doing this for the latest RIDGID Peddinghaus anvils. They no longer are the same quality.
 The recent models are FAR below the standard of what they used to be.

Having been at the factory in Gevelsberg, Germany, where they are still made today. I had the honor of seeing their production.
Sadly, the factory Chiefs have informed me the market is too small for them to keep up the high standard for their now small range of anvils.
They used to make 12 models!!!! It's down to just 3 today!!
So they have to keep cutting corners.

I have felt, seen and heard about:

-Irregular hardness
-Ugly waist weld
-Not aligned hardy holes
-Forging defects on the horns or body (the second one shouldn't matter much, just aesthetically less pleasing)
-Irregular chamfering
-uneven forged face transition into the horns.

I have actually made a small documentation of this and sent this to the Chiefs. They know about it. But for the little demand there is, they can't make the anvils any better.
Their main focus at Peddinghaus is their range of vises.

I can rant on for much longer in much more detail but this post is getting very long already.

I don't suggest people anymore to buy a RIDGID Peddinghaus anvil anymore that is newly made. Quality is just a lot lower than what it used to be.
Keep an eye out for the older ones from RIDGID from the 1990s, they were well made.
And of course not to forget all predecessors: PFP, Original PFP and Peddinghaus.

Such a shame............

Thank you for the reply Joe I've watched your videos on YouTube. In fact what got me on to peddinghaus is because of the youtube. I'm sure Daniel lea on YouTube uses a peddinghaus.....


Any idea how I can source a peddinghaus? I'm from down under and we don't have much variety in quality anvils unfortunately

I was even considering buying a peddinghaus style anvil from the Czech Republic but once I heard they didn't accept PayPal I talked myself out of it, tough times.....haha

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3 minutes ago, Peter Bui said:

Thank you for the reply Joe I've watched your videos on YouTube. In fact what got me on to peddinghaus is because of the youtube. I'm sure Daniel lea on YouTube uses a peddinghaus.....


Any idea how I can source a peddinghaus? I'm from down under and we don't have much variety in quality anvils unfortunately

Contact me via Facebook: Joey van der Steeg. Display picture is me at the beach.
Or send me an email TechnicusJoe@gmail.com.

I prefer Facebook if you have it.

I am sure I can help you locate one and have it shipped to you.

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