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I Forge Iron

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I would get en inverter welder and a plasma cutter, mm and maybe a blower that makes less noise, but around here, with de dollar beeing so low to the euro i would probablebly only be abel to buy only the welder with 600 dollar (if we where talking 600 euro.. that would be nicer... an inverter welde costs around 400 euro around here).
And maybe more comfortabel savety shoes.


Boy,:rolleyes: this got me thinking. Some I beam to make a swinging jib crane in the shop and to build a trolly type crane the would stick out above my shop doors for unloading and loading heavy stuff into and out of the shop. Then the jib crane would need an electric winch & trolly and the trolly crane would also need a trolly + a good chain fall. If I buy the I beam from scrapyard and the parts from HF. I would have just enough money to get an H&V metal cutting band saw.:D

  • 3 weeks later...

We just received our income tax refund and I've already spent part of mine at Northern Tools. Here is a list of most of what I've ordered.

Mig welder, welding helmet, gloves, locking c-clamps
hand held bandsaw, extra blades
bench grinder with 2" belt sander attachment, extra belts

with this equipment and the steel I can build my treadle hammer!

Including shipping this is just over $600.


Heh, I've debated using part of my income tax return for a mig/tig welder. I just this last weekend started to learn to weld stick (I've never used an electric welder before, just forge welding) and so far i'm just blowing holes through pieces of metal... sure I'm getting 2 pieces to stick together but they look like swiss cheese after.

Maybe I should take a class instead of just trying to figure it out on my own =D

Heh, I've debated using part of my income tax return for a mig/tig welder. I just this last weekend started to learn to weld stick (I've never used an electric welder before, just forge welding) and so far i'm just blowing holes through pieces of metal... sure I'm getting 2 pieces to stick together but they look like swiss cheese after.

Maybe I should take a class instead of just trying to figure it out on my own =D

I would recommend taking the class. Or finding a welder who will show you. I spent 20 years messing with it and finally took the class, and learned how to do it right, I was able to stick things together so they wouldn't come apart but they looked pretty bad. If I had taken the class years ago I would have been a lot better off.

OH by the way you setting it set too high for the thickness of the metal, that is why you are blowing holes in the stuff. Set it low so it will just make an arc and then work your way up from there. there is also a/c and d/c settings. use a 6011 or 6018 rod to start with they are easier, also grind the place you are going to weld first make it clean it also makes it easier. Also it doesn't hurt to grind the area where you ground goes. good luck.

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