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Ah, I've only skimmed his web site and perhaps when we're visiting my sister in Boise I'll get a chance to visit Ron in person. 

My memory was never good with associating dates and happening but 1999 seems kind of late but an ongoing problem can blur a timeline.

I do remember we had the same problem, smithing coal is near impossible to get here unless you want to collect from the old mines and knowing which cut and seam makes a huge difference.

Frosty The Lucky.

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You bet! I'll PM you before we hit the area. Just promise to cut the Mr. Frosty thing or I'll have to come up with something glib. Heck it could turn into a burner brainstorm party!

Our wives can visit and we can promise to leave the out of it. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Ah, just giving you a friendly ration, Mr. isn't my preference but I know too many folks who've been taught, Sir, Mam, Mr. Miss. since childhood. I get used to it quick. I'm good with most anything, Jerry, Jer, Frosty, are the usual. I've gotten PMs to "Mr. Lucky," a couple times and I was nice, shocked but nice.  I gotta say though I kind of like FrankenHerrBurner.

I've been wanting to meet Ron for probably 25 years now, sitting around (something burning of course) and shooting the breeze would be a real treat. Brainstorming burners could lead all of us down strange paths. something new. NEW is good.!

Frosty The Lucky.

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I've heard that before. I'd have a hard time thinking of a better time than meeting you and Ron in person. Can you imagine the three of us getting together and not having burners come up? I don't drink enough for that to not happen. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Fall is right around the corner, and the race is on to finish building a gas forge, before your garage gets too cold to work in. We on IFI have advised making your first forge small, and have pointed out that you will end up with two or three different gas forges anyway.

But, this year, the race is different, because Mister Volcano is selling their excellent small forges, and their excellent 3/4" burners at ridiculously low prices. So just remember that, when the going gets rough... cheat:)

Furthermore, life is short; so eat dessert first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Flow limiters: Round two

More than twenty years ago the federal government mandated that overflow protection devices be in incorporated in all propane cylinders. Bureaucrats in some states took advantage of the change to include flow limiters in smaller propane cylinders that were likely to be used with barbecue grills and camp stoves; this caused a lot of headaches for the rest of us.


Recently I was shopping for stainless steel braided propane hose, and noticed that many offers included 0-30 regulators for ridiculously low prices. Hose and regulators for the same amount that just regulators used to cost?!? So, I started reading customer evaluations of these ‘bargains’ only to find the same complaints cropping up continuously; they were the very same symptoms that people started getting with some five-gallon propane cylinders, after flow limiters started being quietly inserted in them, in some states, twenty odd years ago.

So, I googled “flow limiters in propane regulators”; here’s what popped up:

“What is the Flow Limiting Device?

The flow limiting device is a safety feature built into the Propane regulator that detects a change in pressure, limiting the amount of propane that is delivered to a BBQ’s valve assembly, causing unstable performance.”




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Flow limiters are more to prevent litigation splashing on the manufacturer and end distributor. They're good if you cut or burn through a hose, THAT gets ugly quick. On the other hand I've never heard of a smith or person using a BBQ cutting a hose. The most reckless guys with a weed burner rarely get that job again. 

BUT a flow limiter sounded good to a lawyer somewhere somewhen and viola! Heck, they're probably code or even law in places.

Frosty The Lucky.

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3 minutes ago, Frosty said:

BUT a flow limiter sounded good to a lawyer somewhere somewhen and viola! Heck, they're probably code or even law in places.

I doubt that there is a lawyer stupid enough to set up an opportunity to get stuck trying to justify the inclusion of a device that severely interferes with pressure adjustment in a device that is supposed to adjust pressure. Lawyers probably dislike being made to look like clowns anymore than the rest of us:rolleyes:

More likely, this is just another back door trick from insurance companies, with nobody prepared to try justifying it?

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