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I Forge Iron

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Hi all from pretty much the NW tip of the continental US.  Having a bit of a hard time finding shops, classes, or just friendly old-timers in my area.  To make matters worse, I don't work a traditional work week, so all the classes, hammer-ins, or other goings on, are out of my reach.  They seem to happen on weekends, and I have Thursday/Fridays off.  If there's anyone in my area, drop mea  line.  I'm setting up my new charcoal forge right now, using an old single horn 120# farriers anvil.  Post leg vices and decent sized anvils seem to be in short supply here locally, and buying them online...well, one word, shipping...

Anyway, I've done some basic "smithing", in that I used to resize and reset my horses shoes when I was a young man, and I've done a fair amount of shade tree fabrication when I was big into off-roading.

I have access to quite a bit of steel, mild or tool grade, as my dad's old diesel repair shop was sold to my cousin, and I can pretty much pick through his scrap and busted parts piles at will.  Lot of good steel in a single busted axle from a semi...

I'd love to find someone to hang out with and do some work, swap ideas, brainstorm problems, etc.  I know, I know, join NWBA... I'm gonna, but I still run into that non-standard work week problem.

Thanks for being a great group that is so free with information, opinions, and advice!

1 hour ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

Get a boat and head up the coast until you run into Frosty...

Yeah, ALASKA's on the same continent! Where'd you go to school? :P  A beginning blacksmith is down from Barrow on a shopping run and Barrow is about as far north as you can get in America.

Frosty The Lucky.



Good Morning, Lt.

We are closer than you think, just across the ditch (some call it the Straits, or Juan de Fuca).

You are welcome anytime, the Blacksmith Shop is open for members Monday and Wednesday evenings, some of the guys come in Thursday or Friday too. Send me a PM. If I know when you are free, walk onto the Coho. I will pick you up on our side. If you want wheels, I have a spare.

Jake is demonstrating this weekend. Our web-site is www.viblacksmiths.com


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