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I Forge Iron

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Thanks for the comments. About a forge, I am not sure what it would cost me to run considering the price of propane. Acetalene is costing me $23 for a 140 size tank. One benefit a forge would give me would be to heat the shop some while working.

Thanks for the comments. About a forge, I am not sure what it would cost me to run considering the price of propane. Acetalene is costing me $23 for a 140 size tank. One benefit a forge would give me would be to heat the shop some while working.

yeah , muilti purpose !

my propane forge definately helps to heat the shop while I'm there. It's been freezing or below for weeks now. I've got a 25 gal. propane tank and that will give me close to 100 hours of forging time. I've never tried to track it very acurately yet. Maybe this time I will.

That's some great work that you're doing with just a torch!


Thanks Larry for the comment.

I am going to be getting a forge soon. Not sure if I will build or buy yet. I have several overhead propane heaters that are 3 and 3 burners and I think they will do well. I really just need to brick up a box and install them. I do find that while the torch is some what slow it also is a convenience in that I can easily control my heat application to a very specific area. Much of the work I do is small and this allows me to keep heat off of finer points.


So why are you not running oxy-propane? Can't weld with it but you can heat and cut with it! Loads cheaper than Acetylene. It does take special tips but most (if not all) mainline welding companies have them for their torches. I hope you are using a gas saver too.


Thomas.... thank you for reminding me of the propane. I know it would be cheaper and I will get that going I think. I guess it has just been that I have so many tips and equip for acet. that I have just let that go. Things are so expensive. I will check on tip prices for propane.

Gas saver? I must admit I did not know of that. Is it a quick valve or....? I will definately look at that. Thanks


I use a forced air forge and have great luck uses a lot less propane than a venturi and you can control how much or how little heat you need.
It was cheap to build also you dont have to figure out what jet size you need or anything.

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