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I Forge Iron

New to smithing. looking for help 74848


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Welcome aboard Cody, glad to have you. Nice oil well, is it yours? :rolleyes:

We're kind of traditionalists here we keep the subject lines reasonably short and write the message in the text window. We post pictures here too, we LOVE pics but you can put them and the text together. All kidding aside plenty of guys from your neck of the woods on Iforge, you'll enjoy getting together with them. Catch some meetings, hammer ins, BBQs, etc. Good guys.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Happy New Year Cody,

Don't be in a hurry, there is so much information available here. It is going to take you a month or so just to try to get the High-Lites. Don't be shy about asking an educated question, we get lots of people who expect all their questions answered on demand, without them reading the Articles first. There are some VERY WELL written articles regarding 'Making Blades', these pertain to Basic Blacksmithing as well. DO NOT OVERLOOK THEM!!!!



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3 hours ago, codyrwilliams said:

Sorry about the messed up post. Trying to figure out how to work this forum  still. Got a lot to learn in all ways in this hobby lol.

Don't think you're special, everybody, the site owner and admin corps included are trying to figure it out too. Good to see you can take a little poking well. There are hundreds of posts on virtually any subject you might wish to try saved in various sections. Reading what you're interested in learning will do a couple important things for you: It'll give you enough knowledge to ask good questions, the jargon is important it lets us communicate clearly. Second reading will give you some excellent examples of what kinds of advice to consider and what to ignore. People are naturally helpful and want to contribute, unfortunately lots don't know enough to give useful advice.

Frosty The Lucky.


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Alright! Excited is good, rushing is BAD. Take your time and don't invest a bunch of time and money in trying to make or find the "perfect" . . . Anything. It isn't the tools, it's the person wielding them that counts.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Nope no rush going to take my time and start small. And do it with  almost no money invested. Luckily  I have access to all sorts of scrap parts and pieces to build my forge. Going with the 55 brake drum set up already have all the parts. And I have all sorts of rods and etc to start working on my hammering skills. Just gonna use charcoal for now start small and simple and safe.

Already have anvil too thanks to grandpa's old barn even a couple tongs. Almost like it's ment to be.

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