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Swage block stand


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I bought a big swage block today.  


It's approximately 18" square and I can t flip it over.

I remember having seen an article somewhere where someone fabricated a swage block stand that allowed you to rotate the block rather easily.  I located a commercial stand that does this, but it is extremely expensive.  I would really appreciate it if someone knows of the article I speak of and can send me a link.  Also, does anyone know the origin of this block? No maker marks I can see.


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Nice find. Sorry I can't help on the article. I'd love a nice swage block like that even if most people say they end up like a shelf or table. I feel I could find use in one. Tho I'm hearty and think I could move it about as needed I can see where to some a stand as you mention could help. 

As far as I've read on here most all swage blocks arnt like anvils and don't usually have makers marks. Some can tell from the design or shape but all in all if you can use it do so and be glad it's there. :)

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Very nice. I had to go look at the picts of mine to see if it was the same block. Yours is very similar, but a bit more organized and in better condition.
 I find I use the 1" square that matches my hardy hole all the time as a 2nd station with some hardy tool inserted, and I make use of the round holes frequently when drifting bottle openers.



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100 years ago, there were quite a few major makers, and any town with an industrial area would have someone capable of making one in-house. Railroad shops and shipyards would have their own foundries. Take a picture from a catalog and give it to the shop foreman, and you could have a dozen before the US mail had delivered your check to another state. 

BB Noyes, Belknap, Fisher, and Green River were among the major sources.

DSW's is a dead ringer for a Green River #634 from 1929.

green_river swage blocks.jpg

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To move your block, put a section of pipe or tubing into the hole that best fits and use it as a lever to turn it on ies side or over. To move it, slide the pipe or tubing through the hole and walk the block where you want it to go. Some of those blocks are heavier than you would imagine. Look at the chart above to see 100 to 550 pounds in weight.

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Wow. Thanks for the responses.

John, looks like I got me a $21 block there! Thanks for the ID help.

Glenn, thanks for the moving tips.  225lbs gets heavy without the leverage you suggest.


I thought about building one of those typical stands where the block sits flat, but has slots incorporated to support the block on edge as well, but I'd have to build in a cherry picker to switch positions!

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