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I Forge Iron


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If you want to do this, do it while you are young and haven't collected a ton of junk yet. It's a lot easier to do it sooner than later.



I hear you on the number of people around here. I'd love to get out of here as well one day. Problem is I've accumulated so much stuff it will be a major move next time around. That plus the fact my own business is moderately well established, it makes piking up and moving a long distance harder and harder each year.

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 Meadow lakes, Alaska 


Lots of room here but you need to be prepared for how few and far between industrial stuff is up here, blacksmithing tools are really rare and expensive. Coal is stupid expensive, I can look out the living room window at a mountain range of coal but if I want to buy smithing coal I'd have to have it shipped up.


It's still a great place to live, lose yourself forever wilderness within an hour's drive of down town Anchorage. Scenery to die for and room to swing your arms and not smack someone or thing.


Frosty The Lucky.

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NickOHH and Marcy - why not south? A long way south. Plenty of room in Australia. Just bring your anvil!

I may have a hard time finding a job in Australia. It's beautiful there though, lived in Perth for 6 months when I was a little girl because my dad had work there.
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Heck Du7ch why the two of you just come up for a few weeks vacation? She'll have you hunting for property while the house sells within the year. That happens more than you'd believe, I've been here more than 40 years and it still amazes me. Military folk here on TDY are often back within a year of discharge.


Good plan Nick but check with Canadian Customs first, they get really touchy about bringing stuff across the border for sale without paying them their cut. A good load of smithing tools, for your own use of course, <wink> shouldn't cause an eye bat.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Haha I guess they might not believe a whole tri axle of coal is just for personal use :) wouldn't have to worry about it for awhile though, could share with some friends too ;)


Bring your own 20 yard belly or side dump and you can hire on many places. If you do, I'll find out who is contracting with DOT for snow hauls. Hopefully we'll get enough snow to make a few bucks in the off season.


I don't even want to know what Canada would charge you for hauling a truck load of coal up the Alcan. They get really snitty if they think you might, MIGHT sell anything in Canada, competition from the US is a BAD thing you know.


The guy at Canadian Customs was getting ready to assess how much to charge us for the 30 Ranch Panels (16'x 55" welded wire fence panels) in the truck when deb started describing pictures of her goats WITH several generations of geneology. That saved us a serious bite, after maybe 3 minutes of Deb's joyous recounting of her goats, their traits, mommies, daddies, etc. He just signed the slip and headed for the office. Seriously, just because the stack of photos in her hand had to be at least 5" thick. . . <grin>


Frosty The Lucky.

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couldn't just say all that blacks stuff was for a little weight on the drive axles.  better winter traction you know.  gotta be safe  :) and all.  and well if a little falls off on the way up... I'm sure some one would have a loader to top of the weight somewhere in between

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