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I Forge Iron

Being a blacksmith in the uk


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Hey guys Thordin here


I have been browsing the web with a keen interest in blacksmithing mainly focusing on making armor/weapons/rings/necklaces, but am abit worried most people i see on youtube and this website seem to live on farmland or out in the country with neighbours far away while i live in the uk on council property with neighbours that are literally next door.

So i was wondering if it would be legal to do blacksmithing with out being reported to the police for making to much noise hammering metal and also burning coal if any1 has any info that could help me id more than pleased.

i have read stuff that says if it is counted as a hobby there are less restrictions but if none of you guys really know ill probably just go to my local police station/council to find the answers


Thanks in advance

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I am in  the middle of a city of 350,000 people.  You can see in this photo that my neighbors are close,  see the golden building to the right behind my blue/gray shop? that is my nexties garage. The house you see to the left is actually 2 properties down, the owner of that garage I mentioned is between me and them :o This photo was taken from other neghbors parking area, the brown fence is my property line.


next question ?

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Ye im wondering if it would be legal to do it in my backgarden i would only do it during working hours so i dont annoy people to much but im not sure about the laws of actually making and housing weapons/armor mainly weapons is my concern and how would i go about finding more information about the laws because being a blacksmith in your property well council property is quite a small grouping so the laws are abit blurry

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Thor, I can't speak to UK laws at all, but here in the states I work in a suburban backyard with neighbors closer than even those in your photo, on both sides. There was a thread here somewhere about dealing with neighbors, many suggesting approaching them upfront..tell them what you'll be doing, what restrictions you're placing on yourself to keep it between civil hours of the day and such, maybe even bringing an introductory bottle opener or plant hanger gift along. I generally find people so fascinated by blacksmithing that it overcomes irritation, provided you're not being a jerk about it and you don't live next to a real curmudgeon.

Honestly, in my own case, none of my neighbors have yet said a word to me about my Saturday forging sessions. It's a different age, people don't talk over fences anymore. Do check local ordinances and such, though. I did, around here you can pretty much make any noise you want during daylight hours as long as it isn't nonstop (like a raging loud stereo system at a zillion decibels for hours on end).

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