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I Forge Iron

200lb Emerson traditional anvil

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Just wanted to know if you guys could help me make a decent offer to this guy, or tell me if this anvil is even worth it. Currently I have an 125lb peter wright in near perfect condition but want something a little heavier. This guy is selling this Emerson traditional for $1100 that I want, but I don't plan on paying that much, what would be a good price to offer, or is it even worth it?

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As far as contemporary anvils go, Emerson is one of the better ones. Value is whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.

IMO an anvil is a tool. period. They are not investments, collectors items or anything else that justify price gouging. They are tools meant to be used, nothing more. Try to keep that in mind.


As far as collectibility goes for those into that kind of thing, try to remember a Hay Budden, Trenton, Fisher or whatever are out of business. Thus, there are a finite number of those anvils in the world. Emersons OTOH are still being produced and rolling out of the factory every day. Is no shortage of them so even less reason to pay more than market value.


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If the seller is near by, I would go to him with the amount of cash you want to reasonably pay for the anvil, and show him that this is all you have and see what happens.  Like George said, they are still being produced and not the only anvil around.  Good luck.  

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If it's like new the seller probably expects a like new price.  Anvils don't depreciate like cars there is really no difference between a new anvil and one a decade old with no wear on it.  (save possible manufacturing changes...)


OTOH as mentioned if they are still being made there is no sense paying over the current price.  Note that Price should include possible shipping charges when comparing them so a local anvil might be a better deal at a bit over the "new price" if shipping will be zero for it and substantial for the "new one".

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Welcome aboard Roz, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. Knowing where you are and where the anvil are might help us estimate what it's worth as well.


Seriously, here in Alaska it might not be too unrealistic to expect to pay more than $5.00/lb, shipping is a killer for us. In the upper mid west on the other hand it would probably sit till the asking price came down, way down. If you have to figure in shipping via bikini clad divers to Atlantis it may be a major bargain.


Like so much in life location is a major factor.


Frosty The Lucky.

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