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I Forge Iron

Burner questions


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I am having a friend welding two burner holders on top of my gas forge. As far as connecting goes, is there a certain distance they ( holders/connectors)need to be apart? The only premade connector kit for burners I found was on zoeller forge, but it looks like he uses tubing, and a connector so it really wouldn't matter the distance? I see a lot about folks making their own burners but haven't seen much about connectors on the forums. If there is a link or post about the ease of making them and the component parts I would appreciate it. As always thanks for the advice and words of wisdom. Viking

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My thaughts, based on observation. Devide the forge chamber by the nomber of burners plus on.
This to me makes sense, the burners are equal distant from themselves and from the ends of the forge chamber.
Now, when i look at the examples of comercial forges. Like my proforge, it has two burners, and they are equal distant, with each other and the ends of the foge chamber (divided in thirds)
I fully expect some one like Frosty or Tommas to come alonge and say, no infact om out of my mind ;-)

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Viking: While Charles is certainly out of his mind he has it right about placement of your burners. Space them for even heat, there can be a little more space between burners than between a burner and an end wall or door but not a lot. You can't go wrong for general use if you space them evenly.


How you mount them to the forge is up to you and your ingenuity. Most guys like to mount them in a piece of pipe with set screws.  This mount works very well.


For my first pipe forge I just welded a piece of angle iron to the shell and used a pipe clamp to hold the burner. It worked a treat. Later I welded a broken el cheapo C clamp to the angle but the pipe clamp worked a lot better.


My current forge, the Variable Volume Forge (good search terms if you want a look) uses 4 burners and they just stand on top of the lid on round sheet steel "washer" things welded about 1/2" from the ends of the thread protectors I use instead of flares. The skin on the lid has holes for the burners and they extend a little into the kaowool liner. Lastly the burners are braced some by the 1/4" copper tubing supply lines. That's it, round feet, gravity and a little bracing keeps then in place just fine, has for years now.


If that's murked things up more than it's helped let me know I'll see if I can clear things up.


Frosty The Lucky.

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As another "non-compost-mantis" fellow All I can add is that you don't want a burner too close to the front of the forge as the hot gasses don't have enough dwell time.  Set it up and use it and decide how you want to tweak the hot spot(s) in your forge and when you go to reline make your tweaks and see if you like it better that way.


Forges change over time---would you expect to wear the same set of clothes the entire day if you were going hiking and then swimming and then to a formal dance?  A forge will change as your needs and likes change.

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