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I Forge Iron

metal pinecones

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Afternoon everyone. 


I have been on here for a few years now and love this site. I have been a welder for over ten years  and a blacksmith for about 5 now. I work as a full time welder for a major company doing mostly pipe welding. I have been playing with blacksmithing on the weekends and doing small projects on my free time. 


This site has been very helpful when ever I get stumped, and when I am looking for new ideas. 


So today a client called me if I can make a pine cone railing. I said sure why not. cant be to hard right. So this weekend I will be making a sample railing with just a simple pinecone in the middle of every other picket. 

I have an idea on how to make the pinecone. I feel I can make a few of them. but then I asked how many feet is the railing and she told me over 140 and she would like over 75 pinecones. 


So my thought was this may take a me a month alone just in pinecones, but she needs the rails in just 3 weeks. 


So what I am looking for is if company sales pinecones and even better pinecone pickets?


If anyone has any ideas that would be awesome. I would love to hear some thoughts on this. I plan on making one picket 

this week and I will post up  a photo of what I think she may be looking for.



Thanks a lot everyone 



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For something that big prefab would probably be best way if possible however....

If you really need to make them yourself and have plenty of time to do something so tedious.

Used horseshoe nails hammered flat then slightly curved welded onto a rod comes out looking pretty sharp.

Use bigger ones on bottom progressing to smaller ones up top.


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There is a fellow in the NWBA who has pine-cone kits, I think they are water-jet cut.

They are a stack, about 10 gauge (less than 1/8"). Hammer a little love into them and they turn into 'BLING'.


If you are interested, PM me and I will look up his contact info.



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Welcome out of lurk mode Sean. I'm sure you know the rest of my welcome aboard routine so how about just putting your general location in the header and I won't bug you about it.


Wanting that many pine cone pickets in 140' of railing in 3 weeks is pretty unrealistic. Unless she's someone special, mother inlaw, bosses mother, etc. you might be a lot better off leveling with her that it's just an unrealistic expectation.


I know I've been pretty happy with folk understanding straight talk. It's one thing to be a little disappointed about not getting what or when you want something and a whole different thing to find out you've been lied to. Even if you can convince the customer you just couldn't perform it looks unprofessional to be too far off.


Of course I don't know how well you're set up for production fabrication, all you may need are the pine cone pickets and a weekend. I sure hope so, I like happy customers, even vicariously.


Frosty The Lucky.

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